Banana puns

These puns are sure to drive you bananas! They're just so silly. Now that you've been warned... welcome to our BANANA PUNS!

Banana puns

Why did the banana go out with a prune?
Because he couldn't find a date.
My wife's been on a banana diet.
She hasn't lost any weight, but you should see her climb trees now!
He says to the doctor, "Help me Doc, what's the matter with me?"
The doctor replies, "That's easy. You're not eating properly."
What do you say if someone steps on a banana peel? Well I guess he didn't find that appealing!
Mandy: Our teacher went on a special banana diet. Andy: Did she lose weight? Mandy: No, but she sure could climb trees well!
Why do banana's do so well on the dating scene? Because they have Appeal!
Why did the banana go to the hostpital? Because it wasnt peeling very well
What currency do fruit use to make purchases?
Banana bread!
If a crocodile makes shoes, what can you make out of a banana?