Avocado Puns

These puns are avocado this world!

Avocado Puns

How did that avocado baker make bread?
With avoca-dough.
What does a duck that’s made of avocado say?
What did the guy at the party say when he realized there was nothing left to dip his tortilla chip in?
“I’ve hit guac bottom.”
What do you say to an avocado who’s done a good job?
What do you get when you cross an avocado with a two way radio?
A Guackie-talkie
Are avocados good for your heart?
Yes, they make for great avo-cardio.
What did the tortilla chip say to the avocado?
“Well, this is guacward.”
What do you call two male avocados who hang out and drink together?