Which of These Names Does Not Belong?

This quiz uses the old question: "Who is the odd one out?" but with a twist - because all the lists are famous names from history and modern days. You must decide WHO is the person who is the odd one out!
Which of These Names Does Not Belong?
Which of These Names Does Not Belong?
Jesus Christ
The Prophet Muhammad
Joseph Smith
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Which of These Names Does Not Belong?
Leon Trotsky
Mao Zedong
Karl Marx
Adolf Hitler
Which of These Names Does Not Belong?
Romeo Montague
Sir. Lancelot
Alexander the Great
Which of These Names Does Not Belong?
Emily Dickinson
Robert Frost
Sylvia Plath
Charles Dickens
Which of These Names Does Not Belong?
Amelia Earhart
DB Cooper
Jimmy Hoffa
Al Capone
Which of These Names Does Not Belong?
Ernest Hemingway
Virginia Woolf
Kurt Cobain
Elvis Presley
Which of These Names Does Not Belong?
Judas Iscariot
Guy Fawkes
Benedict Arnold
John Adams
Which of These Names Does Not Belong?
Marcus Aurelius
Which of These Names Does Not Belong?
Marie Curie
Nicolaus Copernicus
James Watson
George Orwell
Which of These Names Does Not Belong?
Antonio Canova
Auguste Rodin
Vincent Van Gogh
Which of These Names Does Not Belong?
H.P. Lovecraft
Bram Stoker
Mary Shelley
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Which of These Names Does Not Belong?
Sun Tzu
Attila the Hun
Hannibal Barca
Which of These Names Does Not Belong?
Edward I
Charles II
George V
Philip IV
Which of These Names Does Not Belong?
Ted Williams
Tom Brady
Jesse Owens
Burt Reynolds
You Failed to Find the Odd Ones
Unfortunately, you did not manage to find the vast majority of the odd names out. Perhaps you don't recognize some of the names, which should motivate you to learn more history. On the other hand, you may not be focused at the moment or are so creative you just found other commonalities. In any case, we recommend you retake the test and see if you can get a better score. If not, check out the answers below.
You Did... OK.
You did OK but not great. You got less than half of the odd names out correctly. It could be, of course, that your history is a bit weak, or perhaps you thought of novel ways to group the names, so you thought of the wrong one. That sometimes happens, as we all think in different ways. Have a look below to see what our answers were.
You Have a Good Brain!
You managed to answer half to 4/5 of the names correctly. This means you not only have a sound mind for history and its endless list of names, but you can also make the appropriate connections between history, memory, and logic - to come at a correct conclusion. Way to go! You still had some mistakes, though, so maybe you'd like to take a peek below at the answers.
You ACED This Test!
You must have a superb brain. Not only does your history knowledge is powerful enough to recognize and identify names from the endless list of historical characters, but you were able to connect history, memory, and logic to come up with the right answers every time. That is impressive; you obviously have a powerful mind. Good job, we're proud!
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