Fans Jokes

What did the fans say to the band named after a famous chickpea spread?
Hummus a tune.
Where did Julius Caesar's fans sit at the Colosseum?
The Caesarean section.
What did the fans say to the band named after a famous chickpea spread?
Hummus a tune.
“If I'm ever being chased by a giraffe I'm gonna run into a place with low ceiling fans. Sorry, giraffe, but I gotta do what's best for me."
- Amber Tozer
Why can't Vikings fans eat cereal? Because they choke before they ever reach the bowl.
Who are the biggest fans at the theatre? The backstage crew - They're always giving props to the actors.
The Bee Gees were such fans of onions that they even dedicated a song to it. They named it 'Chives Talking'.
Zebras aren’t fans of colouring books. They don’t like having to stay between the lions.
Reading a shopping list, eh? I see we're both fans of the classics.
Why aren’t trees competitive sports fans? They like to root for everyone.
Why’s it always hot after a football game?
All the fans left.
I have a lot of respect for fans of football teams that consist of only ghosts
They have a lot of spirit.
Which football playoff team are Star Trek fans rooting for ?
The Green Bay Picards.
Why is wind power popular? Because it has a lot of fans!”
Ravens fans are so tough....they hang out in crowbars.
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