Today's Joke: The Wrong Accessory (Rude)
It's amazing what the right purchase can do...
Change Your Life for the Better with These Morning Habits
Discover 7 morning habits that will change your life for the better.
These School Lunch Recipes by Gordon Ramsay are Unique
Preparing school lunches can be hard. Here are some unique ideas brought to you by Gordon Ramsay:
Enrich Your Blood: 10 Natural Remedies for Iron Deficiency
Amazingly, more than 2 billion people suffer from iron deficiency, but most of us don't know how to improve our iron levels. Here are 10 natural ways you can.
Keep Your Dog's Fur Healthy with These 6 Wonderful Tips
Keeping your dog's skin and coat healthy is not hard. The following 6 tips will ensure just that.
This Joke Begins With a Smoking Nun...
Two nuns are sneaking about trying to have a cigarette without Mother Superior finding out. A trip to the drug store to find a suitable hiding device ensues...
Quiz: Your Perception Says a Lot About Your Personality!
The way we perceive things says a lot about our personality. Take this test to find out how your eyes can reveal your innermost personality traits.
Put an End to Stomach Pain with These Useful Tips
Chronic, ongoing stomach distress can deeply affect one's quality of life. Here's what to do:
Uncover the Ancient Mysteries of Easter Island's Monuments
Join a team of archaeological scientists and engineers as they attempt to uncover how the gargantuan Moai statues were constructed by our ancient ancestors.
Is Your PC Running Slowly? Here's How You Can Fix It
These 11 computers tips will help you speed up your computer if it happens to be slowing down. They're quick, easy and you can try them yourself.
Do We All Carry a 'Cancer Gene'? What Can Be Done.
In this informative TED-Ed video, Michael Windelspecht explains how we all carry a cancer gene.
Today's Joke: He Will Never Forget...
This joke won't forget to make you laugh!
This Delicious Carne Asada Will Melt on Your Tongue
This recipe will show you how to make delicious Carne Asada.
Today's Joke: Outrunning the Law
A man in his mid-forties bought a new BMW and was out on the interstate for a nice evening drive...
Do You Know the Basic Facts of Rheumatoid Arthritis?
If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis here are all the facts you need to know about this disease.
Moving Home? Follow These Tips to Avoid Unnecessary Stress
These 6 great tips will help you make moving home a pleasant and stress-free experience for everyone involved.
Treat the Family to This Tasty Oven Roasted Citrus Chicken
This recipe will show you how to make scrumptious oven roasted citrus chicken.
These Urban Megaprojects Are the World's Most Ambitious
Two-thirds of the world's population will live in cities by 2050, and planners are making preparations for that eventuality. Here are 11 urban megaprojects.
This Shocking Time-Lapse Captures Harvey Flooding Houston
This shocking time-lapse video shows Hurricane Harvey flooding Houston in just 15 hours.
This Joke Starts With a Man Riding In the Back of a Cab
A man is catching a cab home when he realizes that the cab driver could give him a hand with catching his cheating wife. Things escalate quickly...
When You See a True Virtuoso, it's Impossible to Deny it
This couple perform together with nothing more than 2 acoustic guitars and create the most phenomenal music.
Warning! This Common Weed Could Seriously Harm Your Dog!
There's a plant that could be growing in your yard right now that could cause your beloved dog some serious damage. Here's what you need to know.
This Old Man Has Been Saving Up For His Entire Life...
A very young bride and her rather old groom are getting married at a hotel. She thinks she's finally getting her hands on his vast fortune...
This Fascinating Chemical Will Keep You Happy and Healthy
If there's one chemical in our bodies that we should be thankful for, then it's undoubtedly oxytocin. Find out why here!
Small Things Are Enough to Make You Smile Ecstatically
Have you ever seen people so happy? Read through their stories here.
Wow! I Never Knew These Are the World's Fastest Animals!
Cheetahs have a reputation for speed, but they're not even the fastest animals in the world. So, what is? Find out here!
Scientists Make Huge Breakthrough in Cancer Treatment
Scientists might have just found a revolutionary way to fight cancer. Read about it here.
This Photo Competition Will Remind You of Your Childhood
This photo competition proves that children don't need photos to have fun!
This Joke Starts With a Blonde Discovering a Thermos
A blond is in a store when a Thermos catches her eye. She begins to ask questions about it and eventually makes a purchase...
You Should Avoid Diet Soda If You Can. Here's Why
Drinking diet soda is actually worse for your health than drinking a fully-sugared soda. There is medical evidence to back this up. Read on for more.
These Symptoms May Indicate You Have Low Blood Pressure
Low blood pressure can be just as dangerous as high blood pressure. Here are the key symptoms of low blood pressure.
Discover the UK's Best Sites On These Fantastic Day Tours
We're all familiar with the UK's world-class cities, but have you considered the day tours that you can take from them? Here are six of the best in the country.
Here's Why Striving for Perfection Will Make You Unhappy
Learn how to rid yourself of one of life's greatest obstacles with this informative video.
It Only Takes a Spoonful of These Items to Lose Weight
All you need to make yourself healthier than ever is a single spoonful of each of these 9 fabulous items. They will even help you lose weight too.
This Technology Could Consign Counterfeiting to History
Counterfeiting could end forever with the widespread implementation of this fascinating technology. Read on to find out more about atomic fingerprinting.
The Enemy Within: 8 Common Human Parasites
60% of the world's population are infected by parasites. Here are 8 common ones that could be a lot closer to you than you could ever imagine.
If You've Slept 8 Hours But Still Feel Tired, Here's Why!
Here are 8 things that are preventing you from having a good night's sleep:
Where Will the Exploration of Mars Lead Us? Find Out Here
This detailed documentary explains exactly what we know about Mars so far, and what we're all expecting to find in the years to follow.
Today's Joke: Full Permission...
When a woman tries to make things heat up in the bedroom, things don't quite go to plan...
Wonderful! Who Knew These Pesky Seeds Were So Healthy?
Most people find watermelon seeds to be really annoying, but they're actually extremely good for you. Here are 8 health benefits of watermelon seeds.
Can You Believe the Perfection in These Photos?
When everything is perfect, it makes the feeling of satisfaction all the more intense. Just check out these perfect photos:
This Joke Made Me Laugh My Head Off
Just stop talking!
Have You Heard This Joke? Quite the Coincidence!
What a coincidence!
These 8 Diseases Have Fatigue As the Main Symptom
Fatigue is more complicated than you think, but there are still 8 diseases commonly associated with it. If you are fatigued you may have one of these problems.
8 Fantastic Reasons Why You Should Start Eating Olives
Olives are not only tasty, but they're also extremely healthy. Here are 8 health benefits of the humble olive.
These Words of Advice Will Help You Along in Life
Some good advice to help you along today, tomorrow and for the rest of your life.
These Cheesy Brussels Sprouts Make a Perfect Side Dish
This recipe will show you how to make delicious Cheesy Brussels Sprouts Gratin
Whoa! Who Knew this Was the Deadliest Animal in the World?
This video takes a look a look at the animals that are most responsible for human deaths each year. Some of these will surprise you!
Wow! Who Knew Exercising Was so Good for Mental Health?
We all know exercise is good for your body, but what exactly does it do for your mind?
These Ginger Biscuits Are Perfect with a Cup of Coffee
This recipe will show you how to make delicious ginger snap biscuits.
Shocking Photos Reveal the Damage Caused by Hurricane Irma
Hurricane Irma has been causing havoc in the Caribbean and several American states. Here are some pictures of the devastating damage she has caused.
Make Your Life So Much Easier with These Awesome Websites!
Discover 12 of the handiest websites around, that you'll find yourself coming back to again and again.
Is There a More Beautiful State Than Alaska? We Doubt It!
In this video, Mike Criss uses his drone to capture some beautiful footage of one of America's most beautiful states.
Heal Your Dry and Cracked Lips With These 7 Great Tips
Dry lips are one of those little things that can drive us absolutely, illogically crazy. Here are 10 quick ways to treat the problem.
Can Depression Be Cured By Anti-Inflammation Pills?
New study shows that the cause of depression may be due to inflammation in the body.
Joke: You'll Get Three Wishes If You Get to the Other Side
A rich man throws an elaborate party involving a tank laden with lethal creatures. A man suddenly decides to go for it, but things aren't what they seem...
Is This the World's Most Traveled Cat? We Think So!
Suki is a feline that loves a big adventure. Check out some of these amazing photos from her travels around Canada.
These Are the Biggest-Selling Artists Featured On BabaMail
We have featured many a great artist on BabaMail, but have you ever thought about who ranks as the greatest of all? Enjoy this interactive collection.
Fascinating! Who Knew Listening to Music was Good For You?
If you haven't got a relaxation playlist, here's a great reason to make one: music can help you fight stress, manage pain, and find comfort.
Egypt Announces the Discovery of a New Ancient Tomb
Archaeologists have discovered the burial chamber of an ancient Egyptian royal goldsmith and other carefully preserved bodies. Find out more here.
An Informative Video On How to React to a Heart Attack
A heart attack isn't usually as dramatic as you imagine. That's why you need to watch this video to inform yourself what to do if you or someone else has one.
Here Are Some Novel Ways of Delaying Aging...
Longevity is something we strive for, but we want it without aging to the detriment of our quality of life. Read what 5 longevity researchers have to say.
Are These the Most Honest Bars of Soap Ever Made?
Does someone you love smell like they might need a brand new bar of soap for their birthday? Then check out this hilarious range of soap bars!
This Root Tea Will Start Your Journey to a Healthier Life
This popular herbal tea is made by steeping the dried root of the burdock plant. Here are 8 health benefits of this delicious brew.
Utterly Hilarious: A Politician's Afterlife
The story of a politician who saw both heaven and hell...
Mercedes-AMG's Project One F1 Car For the Road Is Here
Saying that a car maker has made an F1 car for the road is big cliche, but in this instance, it's completely true. Take a look at the Mercedes-AMG Project One.
Personality Test: Which Musical Should You Watch Next?
This quiz will help you select the musical which is best-suited for you, based on your unique personality. Give it a go, you won't regret it!
2017 Has Been a Fantastic Year For New Breakthroughs...
Scientists have managed some incredible breakthroughs this year. Discover the 14 most significant ones made around the world this year.
Do These Exercises to Maintain a Sound Mind & Clear Memory
Here are 4 simple exercises that will help to preserve your memory and other cognitive functions, well into old age.
8 Common Foods That Can Severely Harm Your Teeth
Foods that seem safe to eat often turn out to be very damaging to your teeth. Here are 8 such foods to avoid and keep your teeth white and healthy.
This Joke Starts With a Cowboy & Minister On a Flight
A cowboy and a minister are on a flight to Texas. Although the cowboy orders a whisky, there won't be any alcohol for the minister on this flight...
Here's How Adopting Spirituality Will Improve Your Life
A good spiritual practice allows you to discover your true nature and self. In this video, you’ll find five ways that spirituality can improve your life.
QUIZ: What's Your Guardian Angel Trying to Tell You?
This quiz will help you work out exactly what your guardian angel's trying to tell you, based on your personality and life experiences.
Stop Believing These 10 Common Misconceptions!
Our common knowledge is full of misconceptions, and this video will start helping you get your facts straight.
Could You Have Survived a Heart Attack and Not Realized?
Can you have a heart attack and not even realize? This article explains all!
This App Can Detect Pancreatic Cancer from Just a Photo!
By the time pancreatic cancer symptoms arise it's usually too late to cure it. However, this app may just change that!
This Video Takes You on a Stunning Tour of Mongolia
Mongolia, as this aerial footage shows, is a truly remarkable country.
Bring Tuscany to Your Home with This Creamy Chicken Recipe
This recipe will bring Tuscany straight to your home by showing you how to make creamy Tuscan chicken.
Wow! Who Knew Evening Primrose Oil Was So Healthy?
Evening Primrose Oil has become a standard herbal recommendation for maintaining youth, as well as preventing disease. Here are 8 health benefits of this oil.
Have You Ever Seen a White Giraffe Before?
A white baby giraffe and its equally pale mother were sighted in a Kenyan reserve in early August. Take a look at them here.
You Won't Get the Vitamin D You Need If You Suffer From...
Do you form part of these groups of people who are deficient in vitamin D? Find out here.
You Never Know What An Old Man Is Capable Of (Funny Joke)
Three tough guy bikers think that they can do anything they want to an old man quietly minding his own business, but little do they know what's coming for them.
6 Great Tips That'll Help You Get Rid of Smelly Feet!
If you happen to suffer from extreme foot odor, these 6 great pieces of advice might work wonders for you!
Take Our Quiz: Are You a Real Dog Lover?
We all love dogs, I'm sure. But how much do we really know about them? Take this quiz to see how well you do!
This Tasty Fruitcake is Perfect For Any Time of the Year
Packed with fruit and a hint of spice, fruit cakes are one of the most comforting varieties of dessert. This recipe will show you how to make a delicious fruitcake that is perfect for any occasion.
Banish Cramps and Muscle Spasms with These Effective Tips
If you suffer from muscle spasms, give these remedies a try.
Got Knee Problems? 8 Do's and Don'ts to Keep in Mind
Your knees take a pounding every day. So what can you do to care for them? Here are 8 do's and don'ts to maintain healthy knees.
I Was So Relieved to See This Helpless Kitten Rescued
Watch this heartwarming video of men rescuing a kitten from a nearby drain.
This Joke Starts With Preparations For a Wrestling Match
An American wrestler has a big bout with a Russian wrestler, and he's not sure how to win the match. He soon adopts a novel new tactic...
These Skyscraper Designs Could Change Cities Forever
Just because they aren't being built yet doesn't mean that they aren't the most unbelievable skyscraper designs on drawing boards around the world. Take a look.
This Guy Is Planning to Cross the Globe in a Flying Car!
Check out the world's first flying car, which will soon be commercially available!
These Stores Have Come Up With Ingeniously Creative Ideas
Some stores really know how to put smiles on their customers' faces. Check out what these 10 ingeniously creative stores are doing to really stand out.
Need a Hospital? Make Sure You Go to the Very Best!
Here are the top three US hospitals for every medical sector imaginable, including geriatrics, ophthalmology, and cardiology.
Enhance Your Life Thanks to Technology In These 6 Ways
Technology isn't just something we all have to feel puzzled by. In fact, it's something we should all embrace to make our lives more positive. Here's how.
These Beards Just Won the 2017 Beard & Mustache Contest!
Take a look at some of the wackiest beards that were seen at this year's edition of the World Beard And Mustache Championship.
In the Market For a New Smartphone? Read This Guide!
Many great smartphones were released in 2017, but do you need help with deciding which one is for you? Here's our guide to the year's best smartphones.
These Body Odors May Suggest a More Serious Problem
None of use like to smell unpleasant, but on certain occasions, we need to look into the cause of an unpleasant odor. Here are 5 you should pay attention to.
Delicious Meets Healthy with This Honey Chipotle Chicken
This recipe will show you how to make a delicious honey chipotle chicken.
Funny Joke! A Trip Down Memory Lane
In this hilarious joke, a couple reflect back to their younger years - 50 years ago to be exact.
View the Destruction Caused By The Year's Giant Hurricanes
This year's Atlantic hurricane season has been a very busy and destructive one. This interactive map will allow you to survey the damage for yourself.
Let's Celebrate! Snow Leopards Are No Longer 'Endangered'
Here are some beautiful images of snow leopards, accompanied with some impressive facts.
These Great Educational Websites Are Completely Free!
It's never too late to learn something new, and these 10 websites allow you to learn completely for free. Dive right in to see what they can offer you.
If You Have Restless Leg Syndrome, Try These 8 Remedies
Restless leg can be extremely annoying, but thankfully there are some home remedies that can be used to treat it. Here are 8 of them.
QUIZ: Are These Unbelievable Events Fact or Fiction?
Give this quiz a shot and see if you can work out just which of these stories are based on a FACT, and which ones are FICTION!
Hilarious: Mr. Psychiatrist, What Am I Doing Wrong?
A man is at a loss as to why his love life has turned dysfunctional. As a result, he turns to a psychiatrist to get to the bottom of his issues...
8 Things I'd Like to Say About Happiness...
Happiness is a gift we need to give ourselves every day. I hope these quotes will help...
These Foods Might Seem Healthy, but They're Not!
These 7 foods are often touted as being healthy, but they're actually not! Find out more here!
Medical Breakthrough: Can This Green Herb Prevent Cancer?
Moringa is getting scientists very excited, thanks to discoveries about the potential cancer-killing properties it possesses. Read on for this good news.
If You Love Your Garden, Be Aware of These 7 Plants
The more you let these 7 plants grow, the harder it will be to eliminate them. If you have these plants in your garden, eliminate them as soon as possible.
JOKE: What's the Difference Between a Male and a Female?
This is how you can tell a male and female bird apart
Take Our IQ Test: Are You Among the World's Top 1%?
How do you rank among the world's most intelligent thinkers? Here's your chance to find out.
How Did They Get the Timing of These Pics So Right?
It does take quite a lot for a perfect shot to come together, but when it does, it can be hysterically funny. Take a look at these 15 perfectly-timed shots.
If You Want to Grab Everyone's Attention, Make a Sun Pie!
This beautiful pie is not only a creative delight, but it’s also unusually delicious and will get everyone’s attention at any meal. This is one recipe you have to try.
When an Emergency Strikes, Here's What You DON'T DO!
When an emergency strikes, how well do you handle the situation? These life hacks are all you need to know.
What is "The Impostor" Syndrome And Does It Include YOU?
To find out whether you've ever experienced the Impostor Syndrome, and to learn what you can do to fight back, check out the informative video below.
Here's How You Can Naturally Shrink Your Facial Pores
Find out how to get rid of unsightly large pores, and how to prevent them from ever coming back.
This Joke Starts With a Conscientious Punter At a Brothel
Guess which profession just got unionized...
Electric Cars Are All the Rage at the Frankfurt Motor Show
The German International Motor Show is a crucial event for the world's auto industry. Take a look at the hottest concept cars making their debut this year.
Make the Pain Go Away With These 19 Food Types
There's more medicine in your kitchen than you ever imagined. In fact, these 19 different types of foods and drinks will remedy almost any type of pain.
Improve Your English with This Brilliant Homonyms Test
Do you think that you've got what it takes to get 100% on this tricky English homonyms test? Find out here.
Are You Putting Your Heart at Risk with these Daily Habits?
While a healthy heart is something we all want, cardiovascular disease affects more than 1 in 3 adults in America. Here are 8 habits that are bad for you.
Burping Too Much? These 4 Reasons Could Be the Cause
Do you burp frequently? Find out the potential cause in this guide.
Hilarious: Excuse Me Miss, But How Do You Pronounce This?
A visit to Wales often throws up difficulties with pronunciation, and for these three tourists, their visit was no exception...
This Natural Ingredient Stops Hot Flashes, But is it Safe?
Licorice could be the secret to easing menopausal discomfort.
How Do Plants Protect Themselves? All is Revealed Here!
Ever wondered how plants defend themselves? Well, this educational TED-Ed video has all the answers.
How Have Desert Animals Adapted to Life? Find out Here!
Deserts are inhospitable places for most animals, but some have fantastic adaptions that allow them to thrive in these harsh environments.
You'll Never Guess How Ancient Cultures Explained Eclipses
Here are five of the most exciting and fantastical eclipse-inspired myths and legends, that are bound to tickle your imagination.
These Pan-Seared Scallops Will Melt in Your Mouth
This recipe will show you how to make delicious and healthy lemon butter scallops.
10 Reasons You Should Eat Eggs Daily!
Besides being an incredibly versatile ingredient that can be used in most dishes, eggs are exceptionally nutritious. Check out these 10 reasons why you ought to eat eggs every day.
7 Substances Your Body Needs to Absorb Every Single Day
Get these 7 nutrients daily to ensure your mind and body stay healthy.
Great Joke: The Postman Doesn't Just Deliver Letters
A postman sees one of the people who lives in this houses he visits on his rounds. They get talking about a drunken Saturday night the weekend before...
Here's How the Stock Exchange REALLY Works!
If you don't have the faintest idea what goes on within the international stock exchange, then this video has got you covered!
10 Things I Want to Tell You to Make You Happy...
If you allow yourself to do the following things, you will be able to live life to the fullest.
Do You Have Common Sense? Take Our Test!
Common sense is the intelligence that everyone OUGHT to have and it isn't as common as you might think. Take our test to see if you have more than your fair share, or not!
Stunning! This Is Why Australia Thrives in the Winter
Take a look at these stunning photos depicting Australia's heavenly winter months.
15 Inspiring Reasons to Feel Happier & Healthier with Age
Here are 15 reasons that will remind us how we can feel all of these in our 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond.
This 104-Year-Old Doctor Has Some Great Advice to Give!
Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara, from Japan, turned 104 recently. Here are 15 Hinohara's pieces of advice for a long and happy life.
This is How Tech Giants Try to Get YOUR Attention...
This TED Talk explains how the world's giant tech companies are locked in a ferocious battle - for our time and attention. Watch it to find out what's happening
QUIZ: Could You Still Pass a Driving Test Today?
Do you think you've still got what it takes to pass a US driving test if you were to go through another one today? Find out here.
Simon's Got a Case of the Sniffles! What Will His Cat Do?
In this short episode poor Simon is under the weather. But will a visit from the cat help him bounce back?
This Tasty Apple Crisp Dessert Is Perfect for the Fall!
This recipe will show you to make a delicious apple crisp dessert.
8 Life Lessons We'd Love to Share With You All!
As I've walked along the path of life, I've learnt many lessons and I'd like to share some of them with you.
Wild Nature: When 3 Cheetahs Take on a Fully-Grown Ostrich
A single cheetah would never attempt to take down a fully-grown ostrich, but when there are three of them...
Discover 18 Edible Plants That Grow in Bizarre Ways
Check out these 18 edible plants that grow in some pretty neat and unusual ways.
10 Ways to Keep Kids Entertained With Just Toilet Rolls!
Toilet rolls don't necessarily need to be consigned to the trash. Take a look at these 15 ideas to discover the amazing things they can be turned into.
I'm Going to Print this List and Hang it On My Fridge!
Enjoy this complete chart of various foods and their health benefits. This is one list worth printing and hanging, to remind you of the advantages of eating the right foods and what they will do for your health!
These Cars Took the World Rally Championship by Storm
Modern rally cars have little to no relation to the road cars they're based on, but the rally cars of old are legends. Here are 10 of the greatest.
Stainless Steel Bottles Are Much Healthier. Here's Why.
Here's why you should consider purchasing some stainless steel water bottles.
Hilarious: An Old Worker Has a Bet With a Young Worker
A cheeky young construction worker thinks he can have his way with an older colleague, but little did he know how wrong he was...
How to Make the Best American Mustard Right at Home!
This recipe will show you how to make delicious American mustard.
Full Documentary: Discover the Sunken City of Baiae
Follow a courageous team of archaeologists as they take a close look at every last inch of the sunken city of Baiae.
25 Facts About Dietary Fiber Everyone Should Know
Fiber is an essential nutrient, and here are 25 fascinating facts about it.
Follow These Tips and Your House Will Always be Tidy
These time-tested ways to keep your house clean work an absolute treat!
This Fascinating Tree Shows How Languages Are Connected
Most of the languages that we speak today can be placed into a couple of groups by their origin. Find out more here.
These 8 Symptoms May Indicate a Gluten Intolerance
These are the 10 classic telltale signs of gluten sensitivity.