Your grandma had more chores and fewer modern cleaning tools than you do, yet she kept her house spick and span with just a few products, a lot of elbow grease, and a hefty dose of common sense. Now, thanks to these time-tested ways to keep your home clean and tidy, you can get your household cleaning tasks done just like grandma did!
Simple Self-Love: The Top 20 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself
You probably spend all your time being nice to others, but we bet there’s one person that you often forget about: yourself. Here's how to be kind to yourself.
Want to Get Your Child a Dog? These Are the Best Breeds!
If you'rel looking to get a dog for your children but don't know which breed is suitable, this guide will almost certainly help you!
8 Reasons Why You Should Always Have Shower Caps Handy!
Shower caps are a lot more useful than you could ever imagine. Take a look!
Older Than 40? These Tips Will Help You Get a Beach Body!
The big 40 sneaks up on us. All of a sudden, it’s much easier to gain weight and much harder to lose it. Here's how to get a beach body when you're 40 or older.
This is the Ultimate Guide to Cleaning All Your Stuff!
How do you decide when to clean certain items? This guide will reveal all!
Here's Why You Should Throw Out Your Old Mattress!
Many of us don't change our mattress unless it's obviously broken. However, an old mattress can wreak havoc on your health. Here's how!
Maintain Your Credibility By Avoiding the Following Words
There are certain words that many of us tend to use habitually. Unfortunately we use them to our detriment, as they harm our credibility. Find out more.
So You Think You Shop Online Safely? This May Surprise You
If you shop online, you need to know how to avoid fake websites and low quality goods. For these and more online shopping tips, read this article.
These Pots and Pans Storage Solutions Are an Absolute Must
If you have a small kitchen or if your cabinet space is limited, then you need to read this.
39 Smart Cleaning Tips You Just Have to Try
You can never know enough about cleaning. In This Video you can finds 39 great cleaning tips to make your life much simpler.
Stop Your Pipes From Freezing with This Simple Hack
Don't let your pipes freeze this winter! Here's how to go about it.
The One Ingredient in Shampoo that Damages Our Hair...
Most shampoos have at least this one ingredient that might damage your hair - protein.
40 Common Tourist Traps to Avoid on Your Next Vacation!
If you're planning a trip abroad, please be aware of these 40 common tourist scams!
How to Get 8 Kinds of Unpleasant Smells Out of Clothes
Find out how to banish 8 of the most stubborn odors from clothes and other fabrics.
Need Your Clothes to Dry Fast? Here's What You Should Do
When your clothes are wet, and you need them to dry quickly, what do you do? This guide will tell you all you need to know.
The Way We Were - Shocking Ads from the 1950s
This series of advertisements from the 1950s is more than just your regular nostalgia. Look at these ads and be amazed with all the progress women have made!
Loop, Knot, Drape: Fall Scarf Tying 101
This lovely woman demonstrates the better versions of how to wear a scarf, what not to do and how to easily make beautiful fashion choices.
Get Rid of That Musty Basement Smell Once and For All
Your basement doesn't have to smell musty. Here are the reasons why it occurs and how to eliminate the unpleasant smell.
15 Great Tips for Cleaning Those Hard-to-Reach Spots
Have you ever skipped cleaning places and things around the house that were just too difficult to clean? Well, we have just the tips to help you with these spots!
Rodent Alert: Ways You May Be Inviting Mice into Your Home
Have you been unknowingly attracting rodents into your home? Below we list 6 ways you may actually be inviting these pests into your house...
Smelling Smart: A Man's Guide to Wearing Cologne
Whether you’re a cologne novice or a seasoned pro, this guide will elevate your fragrance game.
26 Handy Tips That'll Fit Any Kitchen
These tips will make you a master of the kitchen, full of little secrets and shortcuts...
If You Ever Encounter an Aggressive Person Do These Things
If you ever encounter an aggressive person, keep these tips in mind.
These Hidden Airplane Features Can Save Your Life!
The next time you board a flight, make sure you remember these tips.
6 Everyday Objects That Have Surprising Hidden Uses
Most items that you have in your house have many different hidden uses. Check out 6 of them here!
Olive Oil Has so Many Different Uses - Here Are 25 of Them
Olive oil has so many different uses it's unreal. Here are 25 uses of olive oil that you may not have heard of!
We Bet You Didn't Know ChapStick Had So Many Good Uses
Did you know that ChapStick can do a lot more than heal dry lips? Here are 12 unexpected uses!
Woah! Who Knew There was a Correct Way to Cut a Cake?
When it comes down to cutting a cake, there is supposedly a right and wrong way. In this video, Alex Bellos talks us through the right way.
Travel Through Time: History's Best & Worst Makeup Moments
Makeup tastes and trends have changed dramatically over the years, and this great video proves it...
Find Out the 8 "Fake" Foods You Unknowingly Eat Regularly
The coffee and tea you drink, the cheeses you eat and the oil you use may be fake, but now you can recognize whether what you're buying is quality or not.
If You're Hungry at Night, You Should Eat These Foods!
If you are partial to a midnight snack, here are 7 foods that you should consider eating.
How Often Do You Wash These Items? We're Guessing Too Much
How often do you wash these 10 items? Probably a lo more than you need to...
I Unclogged My Bathtub Drain In 5 Minutes With This Clip
As disgusting as it may be, we sometimes need to deal with of a clogged drain. Learn how to unclog your bathtub drain in just minutes with this clip.
I Usually Wake Up 3 A.M. to Pee. What's The Reason?
Do you find yourself waking up at around 3 a.m. every other night to pee? There’s a reason for it.
Are You Guilty of These Everyday Posture Mistakes?
These mistakes are ruining your posture. Here’s how you can fix them!
We Bet You Don't Know Just How Useful Your Microwave Is
3 great additional uses for microwaves you never knew about.
How to Choose, Cook and Prepare a Perfect Steak!
Most of us want to know how to cook the perfect steak, and now, thanks to these fantastic guides, we can!
Get Rid of These Body Language Habits Today!
Body language is intuitive, so it can easily convey a wrong message or reveal insecurities. Here are 9 simple tweaks that help you avoid these misunderstandings.
I Can't Believe I Never Knew About these Food Hacks
Your cooking experience is about to become a breeze with these useful tricks!
Who Knew Mustard Had So Many Helpful Uses?
10 uses you may have never known you can put mustard to.
I Bet You Had No Idea That You Could Freeze These 19 Foods
Forget about throwing away excess food and wasting money as a result - refer to this list of 19 foods that you had no idea you could freeze.
If You Value Your Health, Wash These 9 Foods Well
Are you washing these 9 foods correctly? Probably not!
Decrease Indoor Humidity Levels with These 6 Plants
Having an ideal humidity level in our homes is essential for good health. Here are 6 indoor plants that can help decrease excessive humidity.
Putting Aluminum Foil in the Dishwasher - What Does It Do?
Try this neat dishwasher trick to make your silverware as good as new!
How to Increase Water Pressure in Your Shower: 9 Tips
Is the water pressure really slow in your shower? Here’s what you should do to improve it.
How You Can Make a Room Soundproof on the Cheap!
This video will teach you how to create an almost completely soundproof room for the cheapest prices.
Your Shoes and Clothes Will Not Get Old Any More...
These 20 tips & tricks will help you keep your clothes and shoes looking as spotless as can be, so you can beat stains, spills and crumples in no time at all.