WDYK About Joseph Stalin?

A historic tyrant, criminal and mass murderer - Joseph Stalin. Depending on who you ask, Stalin may have caused more death and suffering than even Hitler did, over the course of his long reign as dictator of the Soviet Union. However, he IS a part of history, and as such we ask you - What do you know of the communist tyrant of the Soviet Union?
Where was Joseph Stalin born?
After the death of Lenin in ________, Stalin took over the Soviet Union
True or False: Stalin's famous moustache was due to a promise he made his dying mother to keep it
Who was Stalin's main rival to succeed Lenin?
Leon Trotsky
Alexei Rykov
Mikhail Tomsky
Dmitri Volkogonov
How did Lenin feel about Stalin taking his place after his death?
He feared Stalin would abuse his power
He thought Stalin was the best man to continue his work
He didn't care who succeeded him
He wanted Stalin to hand the government to the people
How was Stalin's brand of communism different to that of Lenin's?
It became more nationalistic instead of global
It became more socialist
It welcomed capitalist efforts
It created a completely new system of social classes
In 1932, Stalin made a decree wherein the theft of even a handful of grain could be a capital offense
In 1895, Stalin's mother sent him to become a...
Stalin refused to free his son, Yakov, from a Nazi concentration camp by prisoner exchange
How long did Stalin rule the Soviet Union?
About 30 years
About 20 years
About 40 years
About 50 years
When did Stalin die?
About how many people were killed on purpose during Stalin's regime?
Around 6 million
Around 20 million
Around 15 million
Around 1 million
What was the cause of Stalin's death?
A bullet in the head
Brain hemorrhage
Lung cancer
Needs a Second Try
You don't know much about Joseph Stalin, but we're guessing you know the big facts, like that he was a bad man, a criminal and a person responsible for the deaths of millions. His regime was tyrannical at best and murderous at worst.
You Know Quite a Bit
You know quite a bit about Stalin. And well you should, because we need to know how to avoid making such dangerous people. A criminal and a person responsible for the deaths of millions, his regime was tyrannical at best and murderous at worst.
You Know a Lot!
You know a lot about Joseph Stalin. We're really impressed by how you aced this test! And well you should, because we need to know how to avoid making such dangerous people. A criminal and a person responsible for the deaths of millions, his regime was tyrannical at best and murderous at worst.
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