A man foolishly asks his wife why she keeps staring out of the window.
Taking a very deep breath she replies "I'm really fed up with the state of Mrs Brown's blinds. Mrs Perkin's aren't much better. And that Mrs Lewis- scruffy cow. Look at them-
filthy. They're just not house proud like me. Dirty blinds are such an eyesore. If you were a real man you'd go over and get them to do something about it. In fact, you must- for I won't stand for it any longer."
"I'll tell you what," says the man as he peers through the window beside her; "I'll see what I can do."
The following morning, she approaches him, beaming.
"I can't believe it. The blinds. They're all immaculate. What did you say to them?"
"Nothing." he says "I just cleaned the window."