Creature Jokes

What sea creature never tells the truth
A lion fish.
What’s a nut’s favorite scary movie?
The Creature from the Black Legume.
After a long day at work, I feel like half a mythical creature...
Because I'm Dragon Ass.
What happens if you cross a hairdresser and a werewolf?
A creature with an all over perm!
After a long day at work, I feel like half a mythical creature...
Because I'm Dragon Ass.
What is the strongest creature in the ocean? A mussel!
“The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog.”

- Ambrose Bierce.
I’m a small Irish creature who has been diagnosed with a serious sickness. It’s Leprechronic.
A garden gnome is busy destroying some plants when suddenly a house cat appears.
"What are you?" asks the cat.
"I'm a gnome. I steal food from humans, I kill their plants, and I raise a ruckus at night to drive them crazy. I just love mischief! And what, may I ask, creature, are you?"
The cat thinks for a moment and says, "I guess I'm a gnome."
I saw a beaver and I thought it was odd. Then I saw another semiaquatic creature and I thought it was otter.
I have a butcher friend in London. Last week he caught a huge sea creature in the river there and made it into sausage. It was the beast of Thames. It was the wurst of Thames.
You must be a summoner, cause I can feel a powerful creature rising... in my pants!
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