Funny Sports Puns

If you love sports and laughing - there is no better place to be than our sports puns section!

Funny Sports Puns

We’ll have a ball.
The football won’t be the only thing spiked at this party.
Basketball players manage to remain cool even during tough matches because they stay closer to the fans.
How many middle-hitters do you need to screw in a light bulb? Only one, but the the setter has to put it perfectly in their hand first.
Why do volleyball players join the military? They want to gain extra experience in the service.
What do you call a married couple who compete in the marathon side-by-side?
Running mates.
How does a volleyball team welcome their new neighbors? With a block party.
I applied for a job as an Instructor at a Scuba Diving center. The interviewer wanted to know if I can work well under pressure.
Water you doing on [date]?
How many Winter Park ski instructors does it take to change a light bulb?
Three. One to screw it in, and two to say, "Nice Turns, Nice Turns!"
Opposing coaches facing the Leafs in the 60s and 70s knew that Dave was the
one to Keon.
If you golf on election day…
Be sure to cast an absent-tee ballot.
What do you call a guy who can't stop running along the beach?
What can you serve and never eat? A volleyball!
Which author is anxious to write the book: Colorado Rockies, World Series Champs?
Ben Whayten.
[Chicken] We’re serving this during the game, so you might call it a live ball fowl.
The best place on earth to shop for soccer kits is New Jersey.
Everyone wondered why Cinderella was such a bad player. If only they knew, her coach was a pumpkin.
What do you call it when you've choked on water while jogging every morning this week?
The worst running gag ever.
They say I’m too indecisive to be a tennis umpire
but I still haven’t ruled it out.
How is it that elephants are always ready for a swim?
They never forget their trunks!
Join us for plenty of play action.
A baseball walks into a bar. The bartender throws him out.
Ana hits a lot of floating shots that her opponents destroy for winners. We need to sitter down and have a talk.
Why was the nice guy such a lousy baseball player?
Because he never got to home base.
There are many grounds religious children can practice their soccer skills. However, most of them love the prayground.
If somebody says "You pitch great for a southpaw," is that a left-handed compliment?
We like rough sets. As long as you practice safe sets, there isn’t a problem.
Brother: "I saw a seahorse scuba diving"
Dad: "Wow that's amazing, I didn't realise they had the technology."
Would they get two minutes for tripping?
Not if they spliff the defence.
hat do you call it when a runner from Moscow starts a race at Red Square that ends in Finland?
Russian to the Finnish.
Get in the swim this summer.
I have a lot of respect for fans of football teams that consist of only ghosts
They have a lot of spirit.
When the baseball team chose an owl masot, did they get a designated hooter?
What type of pool do mechanics like best?
The car pool!
Why can't Bill Clinton go scuba diving?
He won't inhale.
Why do gnomes like baseball? Gnome Runs.
Why did the vegan go deep-sea fishing? Just for the halibut!
What keeps the beat in a baseball song?
The bass line.
Away from their official duties, soccer players love dancing at a soccer ball.
Why did the vampire strike out?
He used the wrong bat.
The judge sentenced the basketball player to life imprisonment because he shot the ball.
I can’t believe I framed the ball in for a winner. Shank you!
The bowling solder decided to launch a pre-emptive strike.
What does a mom of a football fan hate the most?
A messi room.
Do you know how to dunk cookies? Ask a basketball chef.
The only problem with golf is...
The slow groups are always in front of you and the fast groups are always behind you.
It is ridiculous having a basketball team that lacks a website. Do you mean none of them can string three W’s together?
Two tomatoes went jogging. One trips and falls. The other tomato said, "Grab my Heinz and I'll help you up." Trippy tomato replies, "Nah, you go ahead. I'll ketchup."
Why did the baseball player decide to shut down his website?
It just wasn't getting any hits.