Calm Jokes

Potatoes that are medi-tators maintain calm and peace even when uprooted.
Why are skeletons so calm?
Because nothing gets under their skin.
Everybody romaine calm.
Keep calm and carrot on.
The calm before the score
Calm before the score
A knight bursts into a blacksmith and yells "You smelt my armor!"
The blacksmith was calm and collected and replied: "Yes, and what a lovely scent it had."
Why are skeletons so calm?
Because nothing gets under their skin.
Why are bones so calm?
Nothing gets under their skin.
What did the rabbit say to the lettuce?
Romaine calm, I’m here for the carrots.
There once was a lady from Guam
who said, "Now the sea is so calm,
I shall swim in the dark!"
She encountered a shark.
Let us all sing the Twenty-Third Psalm.
There was an Old Person of Philæ,
Whose conduct was scroobious and wily;
He rushed up a Palm,
When the weather was calm,
And observed all the ruins of Philæ.
Drinking tea while being too calm can kill you, did you know?
It's called a casual tea.
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