These are the things that make every conversation with you funny and fun, and we just advise you not to stop making yourself and your friends laugh like that ever!
Share Result 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Share Quiz & Embed Facebook WhatsApp Show My Mistakes Try Again Next Quiz Scoreboard Can Your Memory Overcome Your Funny Bone? Watch these 4 comedy videos and test whether you can remember them!
I get depressed when I hear about terrible things happening Rarely, only when "it's close to home" From time to time when I hear about something terrible Never, if it's not affecting me I don't get excited Are you considered the "funny one" in the family?
We all smile, giggle, and laugh at different things and find different things funny. That said, there are commonalities to certain types of humor and the people who enjoy them. Answer our questions and find out what kind of sense of humor we think you have.
Workaholic Normal Funny Spontaneous Your boss gave you the day off, what will you do?
Jack Nicholson Peter Fonda Dennis Hopper Steve McQueen In the biographical musical "Funny Girl", Barabra Streisand plays as 1930s comedian... Fanny Brice Thelma Todd Patsy Kell Lyda Roberti Which of these Disney movies came out during the 1960s?
The result is a funny sounding language, a dying language only old Jewish people now speak. While it is quickly disappearing as a language, some of the best words have made their way into other languages, such as English. Let's see how many of these Yiddish words you know!
Have a look at your mistakes, and consider having a really funny movie night! Share Result You Knew Quite a Bit! Good for you, you remembered quite a bit about these great films. these are all pearls of comedy that will have you remembering lines and laughing to yourself for years!
"I do not find this funny at all." "Unhand me father!" What was the color of the baby's eyes? Blue Brown Green Black Watch this video and try to remember as many details as possible. FINISHED WATCHING. ASK ME QUESTIONS! What color was the dog's tail?
How much do you know about these funny men? Let's test you... What year did Monty Python's Flying Circus start airing on British television? 1969 1979 1975 1962 What is the meaning of the name "Monty Python"?
You've managed to make a lot of funny puns today! You surely have a mind for the odd wordplay... Good for you! However, you still haven't cracked the top scores, which you can if you try again, or alternatively, look at your mistakes in 'Show Mistakes'.
Would you rather watch a funny movie or a scary one? Definitely funny! Definitely scary! I love a bit of both! Which of these do you find the scariest? What would you do if you thought your house was haunted? Get in contact with an exorcist. Take matters into my own hands.
A face that is constantly smiling A mug for children A mug with something funny on it A mug for wine What does this Victorian Era Slang mean? Being depressed Diseased Dying Got lucky gambling What does this Victorian Era Slang mean?
Share Result People think you're funny and witty Personality test: A woman tries to look at the nakedness of a statue You have a sharp and witty answer to every question. People think you’re funny and your personality causes the most tense or strange situations to calm down.
You're highly social, you're funny and you pull people towards you. You easily make new friends and you have an external kind of social confidence that may or may not go down to the core of you.
I'll smile at them and they'll smile back Tell them a funny story Talk to them seriously to try and understand what's wrong Tell them an embarrassing secret about myself How much do you smile every day, do you think?
Loyal Smart Misunderstood Shy Clingy Kind, helpful Funny Patient If someone asked you how they should live the best possible life, what would you advise them? To find a significant other. Work hard. Live life to the full. To leave a great legacy behind you. Get as many treats as possible.
Making a change in the world Being funny Being a model Probably doing something stupid Becoming a great musician What is special about the place you grew up?
Watching TV with someone I like Watch funny videos online Burn some energy Read a book You walked down the street an hour ago and saw a man slipping on a banana peel and falling on the sidewalk, what was your first reaction? Help him and make sure he's not hurt Start laughing - it's a classic!
These are rare words that have funny spelling, and you won't be using them for day-to-day affairs in any case. However, if you wanna give it another go you can do so before looking at the answers. Share Result Nicely Done! This is quite the difficult test but you got a pretty good score on it!
The old names sure sound funny today, reflecting a whole different era of slang, but they have a nice ring to them, don't you think? Share Result Alive In Your Memory You've beaten our test!
Who Am I Quizzes, Spirituality Quizzes quiz, animals, personality test, baba recommends, funny, romance, love, nature, cute, animal quiz
The names of my children Doesn't matter as long as it matches my other tattoos Something funny or risky - you only live once! A flower or bird - something classic canva Which of these occupations draws you the most?
Some of them are dramatic, some bizarre, some awe-inspiring and some even funny! Can you tell us which of these unusual situations actually take place in the bible or are completely made up? Adam names every animal on earth.