What's Wrong With These Sentences?

Are you wizard with the English language? Do you read a lot or do some writing? Any of these will help you with this challenging English quiz, which asks you to find the error in these sentences and tell us what KIND of error it is: Is it grammar, punctuation? Maybe it's spelling or maybe nothing is wrong with it! You tell us.
I came home but the door was locked so I had to climb through the window.
Spelling Error
Grammar Error
Punctuation Error
No Error
The cemetary finally hired a security guard.
Punctuation Error
No Error
Spelling Error
Grammar Error
It seems he gets sick alot.
Punctuation Error
No Error
Grammar Error
Spelling Error
At the grocery store I bought; apples, milk, eggs, bread, cheese, and lemons.
Spelling Error
No Error
Grammar Error
Punctuation Error
If we will be late, they'll be upset.
Spelling Error
Punctuation Error
No Error
Grammar Error
Rachel is very smart; she began reading when she was three years old.
Spelling Error
Grammar Error
Punctuation Error
No Error
Andrew really does want to go live in a monestary.
Punctuation Error
Spelling Error
Grammar Error
No Error
My cousin was born in the 1970's.
No Error
Spelling Error
Grammar Error
Punctuation Error
You should have some rasberry pie.
Punctuation Error
Grammar Error
Spelling Error
No Error
Everybody must bring his or her own lunch.
Punctuation Error
Spelling Error
No Error
Grammar Error
Sally likes the cherry candy. but not the lemon
No Error
Grammar Error
Spelling Error
Punctuation Error
Danny wants a new bicycle for his birthday.
No Error
Punctuation Error
Grammar Error
Spelling Error
I fell asleep while I watched television.
No Error
Grammar Error
Punctuation Error
Spelling Error
The people is all just standing still.
Spelling Error
No Error
Grammar Error
Punctuation Error
The recipes are good for beginning chefs.
Spelling Error
Punctuation Error
Grammar Error
No Error
Let's Try That Again...
Oh dear! Unfortunately, you didn't manage to do as well as we'd have liked, and it seems that your grammar isn't completely up to scratch. However, there's no need to panic, since here at BabaMail we've got plenty of language and grammar quizzes for you to try, which will improve your language skills, as well as keep you entertained for hours on end! If you enjoyed this quiz, then don't forget to share it with your friends and family as well.
Good Score!
While you didn't answer all of the questions correctly, you managed to get enough right to show us that you've got a pretty decent understanding of how grammar should be used. Keep up the good work, and never stop improving, as it seems like decent grammar is hard to come by these days. If you enjoyed this quiz, then don't forget to share it with your friends and family as well.
Terrific Score!
How on Earth you managed to score 100% correct on this tricky test is beyond us! Next time we get into yet another argument over grammar and punctuation, you can rest assured that you'll be the first person we'll contact for clarification! Don't forget to share this quiz with your friends and family, so that you can brag about how you did way better than they did!
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