Wheels Jokes

What has 4 wheels and flies?
Garbage truck
What's green and got two wheels?
A motorpickle.
What happened to the wooden car with a wooden engine and wheels? It wooden go at all.
What’s black and white, has eight wheels and travels very fast?
A panda on roller skates.
What does a vampire bat call a bloodmobile?
Meals on Wheels.
What vehicle has 4 wheels and flies?
A garbage truck.
What vehicle has 4 wheels and flies? a garbage truck.
What happened to the wooden car with wooden wheels and wooden engine? it wooden go!
What has four wheels and flies? A garbage truck!
How do you know when a bike is thinking?
You can see its wheels turning.
What's green and has wheels? Grass, I lied about the wheels.
What is white and has long ears, whiskers, and sixteen wheels? Two rabbits on Rollerblades!
What’s green and has wheels?
Grass, I lied about the wheels.
What has a spiked tail, plates on its back, and sixteen wheels? A Stegosaurus on roller skates!