Cats vs Pianos - I Think You Know Who Will Win
Who will win over the humans' love and attention in this epic battle between cat and musical instrument?
A Day in the Life of a Bossy Pet Parrot
Pluto the parrot has a big personality...
Horses Being Dramatic & Funny for 8 Hilarious Minutes!
Watch these horses do the funniest things.
Paws Off, Thief! 15 Hilariously Naughty Animals
The following pictures showcase 15 naughty animals caught “red-pawed” stealing bread, fish, sausages, croissants, and even carrots!
Uh-Oh! These Animals Are Definitely Stuck
Have you ever found your pet in a seemingly impossible place and thought, “How on Earth did you get there?” Such is the story of these 20 naughty animals.
The Name of the Game is... Camouflage!
These confusing pictures will challenge your vision and your mind!
Classic Comedy: The Grammar Nazi
This comedy sketch begins with a standard business meeting, but the boss has a real problem with people's language...
Take a (Funny) Change of Perspective With These Comics
You look at something, only to soon realize that what you thought you saw was something else entirely. Now, add humor to that equation and you have the work of Shanghai Tango.
WATCH: 10 Funny Xmas Editions of 'Simon's Cat' All in One!
These hilarious cartoons from Simon's cat serve to remind us not to forget something really important: It's Christmas for our cats too!
Why Men Should NOT Be Allowed in the Kitchen!
A perfect example of why some men are useless in the kitchen
These Photos Could Only Have Been Taken In China...
China is a unique country full of unique characters, and this picture series proves it!
Magnificent Moments When the Universe Reacted Perfectly
Karma is like fate's way of saying for every tit there's a tat, so when you throw something out into the world, nature sends it right back
Can You Watch This Entire Video Without Laughing?
From guilty dogs, to funny cat fails, monkeys, funny squirrels, horses and so on. Take a look at this hilarious compilation:
Warning: Hilariously Bad Animal Puns!
If you like jokes and animals, you've come to the right place! Enjoy these 18 funny animal puns we've collected just for you.
These Punny Illustrations Will Give You a Good Chuckle
Enjoy this collection of illustrated puns by artist Teo Zirinis.
Time Does Funny Things to Us, When You Think About It
How we determine success changes as get older, but it doesn't change all that much, in fact there's a certain pattern to it.
Mr. Bean Takes His Hilarious Comedy Transatlantic!
In this hilarious video clip, Mr. Bean is flying to America...but things don't go as smoothly as he'd have hoped.
Funny: When 8 Priests Come Face-to-Face with Lingerie
This clip from a classic Irish comedy features 8 desperate priests embarrassingly trapped in the lingerie department. This will bring tears to your eyes.
Funny Pranks: The Ultimate Collection of Halloween Scares!
It's that time of the year again where we invite you to enjoy a hilarious collection of Halloween pranks.
Hilarious Quotes About the Quirks of Getting Older
Don't fear the grey hair! Just enjoy these hilarious quotes about getting older.
18 Funny Animal Pics That'll Give You Some Cheer!
Here is a collection of some adorably funny animals being silly and cute at the same time.
Comedy Classics: Laughter & Chaos in the Dentist’s Office
This is perhaps the most hilarious sketch from the The Carol Burnett Show.
Interior Design Fails: You Won't Believe This!
Some people have to live with really absurd home designs that make no sense. Take a look.
13 Funny Palindromes That Will Make You Giggle
People have been enjoying palindromes for centuries - here are 13 funny examples that are sure to make crack you up.
Hilarious: 15 Misspelled Signs That'll Make You Laugh!
We collected 15 hysterical signs with spelling mistakes here, so brace yourselves - because it’s about to get funny!
If You Want a Good Laugh, Rodney Dangerfield is Your Man!
In this clip, the great comedian Rodney Dangerfield entertains the crowd with his brilliant sense of humor. Enjoy!
Can You Keep a Straight Face Reading These Quotes?
Share these funny thoughts with your closest friends and brighten up their day too.
18 Hilarious Comics About The Everyday Adventures of Dogs
Enjoy these hilarious single-panel dog comics by artist Anthony Smith.
"Engrish" Can be a Confusing Language...
This series of English signs from around the world will make you laugh and wonder all at the same time.
180 Knock Knock Jokes to Crack You Up!
Whether they like to admit it or not, deep down everyone gets a certain amount of amusement out of a well-crafted knock knock joke. Here are 180 for you!
When Animals Misbehave, Hilarity Inevitably Ensues...
It's apparent that animals have just as great a sense of humor as humans do, and this is evidenced by these GIF images of animals behaving badly.
Simon's Cat Leaves His Owner Out in the Cold!
Watch this latest Christmas Special episode of Simon's Cat.
Mr. Bean Wants a Picture with One of the Queen's Guard...
Mr. Bean is in London and decides that he'd like a picture with one of the Queen's guards, but he just can't manage to get the composition right...
Classic Comedy: What if Mr. Bean Was a Pianist?
A classic comedy sketch by Rowan Atkinson (AKA Mr. Bean) from 1979
Hilarious Comics by a Talented Artist
Nate Fakes is back with another hilarious collection of single-panel comics!
These 'Genius' Repairs Will Make You Laugh Out Loud!
These photos prove that being an amateur engineer for a day may not work out as well as you'd like!
Some Things Could Only Have Been Invented in Japan
You can always rely on the Japanese to come up with some quirky inventions...
15 Vintage Photos That Will Make You Laugh
These weird and funny vintage photos don't make any sense!
FUNNY: What If the Buddha Was a Grumpy Jewish Man?
What would the Buddha say if he were Jewish? These quotes are hilarious!
Forget Your Worries and Laugh With Some Hilarious Cartoons
Take a break from the hustle and bustle of your everyday life and enjoy these one-panel comics by artist Dave Coverly.
Comedy Classics: Celebrate New Year’s Eve with Mr. Bean!
Let's dive into the hilariously chaotic world of Mr. Bean as he attempts to ring in the new year.
These Funny Signs Excel At Stating the Obvious...
Some signs that you come across in life literally leave you scratching your head. Their messages are so obvious that they beggar belief. Take a look.
The Most Embarrassing Things to Happen on Camera...
A funny compilation of people who are having their day ruined by unexpected events.
Would You Dare to Wear Something Like This on Halloween?
It's that time of year again when everyone is looking to come up with the creepiest costume of all. Here are 15 of the best Halloween costumes that daring couples have pulled off.
Hilarious: When Men Have Fun Solving Problems
When it comes to health and safety, these men have left their brains at home. Faced with some tricky challenges, they have tried to solve them in funny ways.