Every now and then, in this never-ending expanse of stories we call the universe, the strangest, random and sometimes beautiful things occur. On even rarer occasions, these things are caught on camera. From the weird looking flowers to some intriguing animal interactions, these pictures may leave you amused, scratching your head, or just in awe.
2. Someone decided to straighten out this banana. Talk about funky fruit
3. This little man has a journey to make through Crumb Valley to reach Cake Canyon
4. This cat has actual thumbs. This is the first step to them ruling the world
5. Meet the All-Chrome Tesla, the next car of 007. Not really, but it should be
6. This backyard climbing wall is either the biggest security breach or the easiest way to clean your chimney
7. These daisies can fit a whole family of bees in their flower heads
8. In case you ever wanted to know what a volcano looks like before and after erupting
9. Ingenious. Put the bowl on the top so the fish can party with you
10. Check under your floorboard. The mechanics that go into keeping your floor warm are a work of art
11. Are these baby hippos? Nope, just guinea pigs having a very bad hair day. Or a no-hair day
12. I can’t tell where the snail ends and the hornet’s nest begins
13. One of those rare perfect moments where you stumble across a cat sitting next to a ceramic version of itself
14. This pyramid made from the healing gemstone Malachite exudes positive growth and strength
15. Someone decided to commemorate the Mayans with this beautiful man-hole cover
16. Every mirror in the world needs to be replaced with this
17. A human hand in comparison to a polar bear paw. Imagine the size of the actual creature
18. This beautiful puppy not only has hearts in his eyes but also on his head
19. If you take the snow out of skiing, this is what you’re left with
20. Welcome to Portland, Oregon, home of the smallest park in the world, Mill Ends Park
21. This Restaurant decided to support local soda brands instead of the usual big-brand names
22. The fate of the Titanic brought to life through ice in a glass. The irony...
23. Here’s a turtle that made a big home that can also act as camouflage
24. This right here is why sheep need to be sheared
25. And the Grand Finale. An aerial view of the magnificent city of Venice.
These Images Will Make You Look Twice...
These cool accidental optical illusions caught in camera will have you look twice!
Travel to the Mesmerizing Salt Fields of France
Fly over the bright pink salt fields of France with 14 mesmerizing images!
17 Poignant Photos That Are Anything But Ordinary
At first glance, you might not understand what's so special about some of these photos, but each one has a backstory that will make it unforgettable.
19 Images Showcasing the World’s Endless Wonders
Sometimes, it can be easy to forget how wondrous our world is. These images will remind you of its endless beauty and curiosities.
Lions! What You Didn't Know About This Amazing Creature
There is so much to know about this beautiful yet terrifying beast of the wild. This video takes you on a trip of discovery of numerous interesting things you probably didn't know about Lions.
12 Unusual Things You Will Find in Other Countries
In this series of pictures, we showcase 12 strange and unusual things in various countries that locals consider commonplace.
History Doesn't Forget: Rare Historic Photos!
Here, the past is still alive and kicking, and for a few moments, we are back in those momentous time and events that shook the world not that long ago...
This Man Took 18 Breathtaking Photos of Icy Greenland
This article invites you to check out 18 of the amazing photos brought back from Greenland and learn a little about this incredible place.
Beautiful Sunset Stories Told Through Photos (12 Pics)
Aaditya Bhat’s stunning sunset photo stories will leave you captivated.
The Undeniable Beauty of Autumn: 18 Gorgeous Fall Scenes
You are invited to take a visual tour and look at a collection of fall photographs gathered from different places around the world. After seeing these 16 pictures you'll probably make fall your favorite season!
15 Incredible Photos of the World Underwater
Thousands of talented photographers registered for the British competition of the underwater photographer of the year!
15 Mind-Bending Photos That Seem Fake but are 100% Real
It’s hard to believe these astonishing pictures haven’t been photoshopped.
100-Year-Old Colored Photos That Make History Feel Real
These vintage color photos are absolutely mesmerizing.
Woman Finds Incredible 1930s Time Capsule From Her Father
The Shoebox Negatives is a project by Joan Ruppert to share her late father's photogprahy form the 1930 and 40s. Go on a journey with this touching time capsule
These Are the Greatest Historic Homes Found in the US
These historic homes are the most important in the United States. See pictures of a historic home in each US state, and find out more about them.
These Images Will Make You Look Twice...
These cool accidental optical illusions caught in camera will have you look twice!
There is a Mystery Behind These Beautiful Vintage Photos
These vintage photos from 1950s Switzerland and Italy are beautiful and they have a mysterious story behind them
Extraordinary Buildings: 13 Stunning Architectural Marvels
Aren’t these buildings just fascinating?
Look What We Found! A Collection of Rare Celebrity Photos!
These old celebrity photos will make you feel nostalgic.
Take a Look at These Photographs & Walk Back in Time...
It's amazing to see photographs from archives because it's like taking a walk back in time. This collection is no exception. Take a look.
20 Stunning Photos Captured at the Perfect Moment
Take a look at these perfectly-timed photos that will undoubtedly take your breath away.
Reminisce With These Great Vintage Grocery Store Photos
Here are a collection of vintage photographs that will take you through different grocery stores across America throughout history. Take a look!
Welcome to the Most Beautiful Library in the World
I would give a lot to be able to spend a few hours in this amazing place.
15 Creative Design Ideas That Will Make Our Lives Simpler
In this collection of pictures, you will see some simple yet innovative designs that are made to make our life simpler.
This Artist Makes An Entire World Out of Tiny Dioramas!
Tatsuya Tanaka’s miniature worlds will leave you amazed.
Learn About Photography's History Through These Old Photos
In celebration of the incredible history of photography, here are 12 outstanding photographic 'firsts' that span the last couple of centuries.
12 Reasons Japanese Bathrooms Are the Best!
Find out why Japanese bathrooms are more efficient and comfortable than western bathrooms. Maybe it'll give you a few ideas...
Timing Is Everything, and These Photos Prove It (15 Pics)
These have to be the most perfectly-timed pictures ever.
Make Your Home Even Better With These Awesome Ideas
If you're looking to do a spot of home redecorating, these ideas will inspire you to greatness!
These Incredible Photos Will Take Your Breath Away!
Enjoy some of the most spectacular photos from the Smithsonian Magazine's 15th annual contest.
15 Stunning Winning Shots from Nikon's Small World Contest
Check out the fascinating winning entries from the 2024 Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition.
20 Amazing Animal Photos that'll Leave You Breathless
If you love photography and animals, then this will make your day. Here are 2015's 20 best pieces of animal photography!
16 Black-and-White Portraits That Speak to the Soul
Photographer Lee Jeffries’ soulful portraits will stay with you for long.
14 Exceptionally Beautiful Home Baked Cakes and Cookies
If you love desserts and value creativity, you'll love this collection of magnificently decorated cakes, pies, and cookies!
Interactive: What Happens When We Try to Take Pro Photos!
It can seem like photography is easy, all you need is a camera and a beautiful subject. Yet these photos prove that the experts do know what they're doing!
Dubai, the City of a Thousand and One Views!
Dubai arguably boasts the most incredible urban landscape in the entire world. Take a look at these stunning pictures of the emirate's skyline.
These Bathroom Sinks are Not Designs You See Every Day
Modern designers have cleverly invented some of the most creative and fun washbasin designs you’ll lay your eyes across.
Look Twice: 16 Amazing Perfectly-Timed Street Photos
These street photos will mess with your head. Just a little...
The North Koreans Forbid Photos of the Weirdest Things...
We all know that North Korea is probably the world's weirdest country, but the reasons why these photos are forbidden are just ridiculous....
Snail Photography That Will Show You a Tiny Magic World
Peak into the world of the snails with these 10 photgrpahs
15 Fascinating Photos That Bring 1930s China to Life
These rare photos unveil some hidden stories from 1930s China.
20 of the Most Perfectly-Timed Pictures Ever Taken
These have to be the most perfectly-timed pictures ever. Some are hilarious, others painful, and others will just cause amazement at how they were captured.
Hold it Right There! These Photos Couldn't BE More Timely!
It's a photographer's dream to capture that precious image right as or before something dramatic occurs. These are some of the best examples we've ever seen.
This Photographer Shows Us the Parts of Asia We Rarely See
This Japanese photographer Ryosuke Kosuge shows us the parts of Asia most people in the West rarely get to see...
WWII’s Most Thrilling Dogfights Caught on Camera (12 Pics)
These intense WWII dogfight photos are unbelievable!
A Collection of Ancient Trees 14 Years in the Making...
This beautiful project took a decade and a half to complete, but what beauty was captured will live on forever. Take a look for yourself.
Let These Wonderful Photos Fill Your Day with True Joy
These pictures tell some beautiful stories, and all of them unite to make you feel that life is a joy!