Tennis Puns

Are you ready for our list of Tennis Puns? The ball is in your court!

Tennis Puns

Two racquets started dating. Unfortunately, one was stringing the other along without any intention of tying the knot.
Is there a bathroom in this tennis club? Because I’m about to drop a deuce.
Jack has a large neck so he decided to wear a bowtie to his wedding. Otherwise, he’d end up with a tiebreak.
The last thing I can remember was the yellow ball speeding toward me. I swung the racquet, and then things got fuzzy.
A man named Martin Draw was campaigning for the Senate. He printed up shirts saying “I’m with Draw” to support his campaign. The next day, he wore the shirt to a tennis tournament. When he walked up to the tournament desk, the director handed him his money back and asked him why he couldn’t play.
Federer is such a legend that they named the Roger’s Cup, and Fed Cup after him.
I prefer the new system to reviewing line calls. When Hawk-eye came around, I breathed a big Cy-clops of relief.
My friend Elmer’s has gotten really good at tennis ever since he stuck to a healthier diet and went glue-ten free.
I like my breakfast like my tennis grip: Continental.
Did you see the guy with quad-arms play tennis? He has a great four-hand.
The walls in this tennis factory are so thin, that when I try to get some work done, all I hear is people making a racquet.
I used to hate tennis, but ever since I’ve started winning 6-0, I love it now.
It feels great to hit the ball again. It spin a long time.
I can’t believe I framed the ball in for a winner. Shank you!
I know my shot was in. But I won’t argue, because I’m not up for the challenge.
A hippie when his opponent disputes his calls: That’s pretty far-out, man!
Oh, I thought I was playing the first round, but I guess I got a free pass. Bye.
Native Americans used to have their own professional tennis tournaments, and provided free housing to players from other tribes. They called it the A Tee Pee Tour. (No disrespect to Native Americans!)
Most of your players never make it out of the lower-level tournaments. I highly doubt their Futures as a professional.
The injured player wanted to congratulate the winner, but he couldn’t walkover to the other side of the court.
Fred is so condescending about my tennis strokes. I can’t take any more of his backhanded compliments.
Both tournament directors published the schedule at the same time. It was a draw.