Actor Jokes

Who's Denmark's greatest Zombie actor?
Rigor Mortissen
Who is the Easter Bunny’s favorite movie actor? Rabbit De Niro!
What did the Hollywood film director say to the young neuron that wanted to be an actor?
"Hey kid, you've got potential."
Which actor is now being quarantined for Swine Flu? Kevin Bacon
Who is a Yeti's favorite Dracula actor?
Christobrr Lee.
Q: Who is Peach’s favorite actor?
A: Brad Pit.
I knew a vampire who was trying to become an actor. He gave it his best shot, but ended up retraining. He just couldn't find a role he could sink his teeth into.
Who’s a llama’s favorite actor?
Al Pacacino.
Chuck Norris walks into a bar.
He gets treated with great respect, since he’s such a talented actor.
Who is the most famous actor in Greece ?
John Travolta.
An actor arrived for his rehearsal at the theatre.
As he looked around, an incredible feeling of deja vu swept over him.

Suddenly he realised the set seemed like a weird adaption of his apartment, the actress looked like an odd version of his wife, and the director sounded like an eerie rendition of his dad.

"Uncanny!" He thought. "I've arrived at a strange stage of my life".
An actor I know fell through the floor recently. It's just a stage he was going through.
Sad to hear that Baron von Frankenstein has given up on his dream of being an actor.
He couldn’t get the parts.
Who is a crow’s favorite actor? Russell Crow!
The late actor Sir Sean Connery was a big fan of the onion because well, he usshed to love them shh-allot.