Bowling Puns

Welcome to our bowling puns. These puns are a complete strike!

Bowling Puns

You cannot strike it, if you don’t try it.
In a conversation between one pin and another, one said, “Let us never split.”
Bowlers do not make good employees. This is because for 80% of the time, they are always going on strike.
What do a bowling ball and a blonde have in common?
Chances are both will end up in the gutter.
The last time I wanted to go bowling, all the pins were on strike. So I just stayed at home and watched TV instead.
Why should a bowling alley be quiet?
So you can hear a pin drop!
It is not really much about how you bowl, but instead how you roll.
If you do bowling and for some reason you can’t hear a pin drop, something could be wrong with your bowling.
The bowling team of which I am captain is known lightning. This is because we get countless strikes.
The bowling solder decided to launch a pre-emptive strike.
The closer we came to the alley, the louder the bowling thunder.
My strategy is simple, knocking them down a pin at a time.
What did the bowling pins do?
They went on strike.
What does a bowler and a Thanksgiving guest have in common?
They both want a Turkey.