Funny Pick Up Lines

Horrifically bad and funny pick up lines from men and from women

Funny Pick Up Lines

Stop Stalin and let’s hook up.
Let’s act like we’re a couple of colonists and do a few intolerable acts together.
I’m like the Jean Baptiste-Colbert of relationships. I never trade with anyone else.
Are you a dictator? Because you have absolute power over me.
Babe, your eyes are bluer than the ocean Columbus sailed… and I’m lost at sea.
Baby you could even make the Cold War hot!
I’m not part of the Prohibition Movement. You can speakeasy to me.
My love for you is like the Spanish Armada – unsinkable!
I’ll open your heart like Nixon opened the door to China in ’72.
Like America to Hawaii in 1898, you’ve annexed my heart.
My love for you is like a Trojan Horse, it’ll sneak up on you when you least expect it.
Hey girl, you won’t need the Rosetta Stone to translate my love for you.
Roses are red and so is the state, let us be comrades because I think you are great
The Tsar Bomba, the most powerful nuclear explosive in recorded history, has an output of 57 megatons of TNT
And that pales in comparison to how much of a bombshell you are.
I was working on my family history. Do you think it's too early to list you as a spouse?
If I were Columbus, I would sail day and night to reach the depths of your heart.
Did your parents work on The Manhattan Project? Because you’re the bomb!
I’m no James Monroe, but I can give you an Era of Good Feelings.
You are the Renaissance to my Dark Ages, you light up my world.
I’m no Thomas Paine, but you and I are Common Sense.
Did you invent the airplane? ‘Cause, you seem Wright to me.
I’m so glad prohibition was repealed, because I’m drunk on you.
Baby, you’re hotter than Rome under Nero.
Will you be the perimeter to my world?
Will you integrate with me? I will differentiate whoever comes in our way.
Girl, if I am epsilon, will you be my delta?
Girl, we must be a bipartite graph, because I just thought of an efficient algorithm for finding an optimal matching for the two of us.
You're embarrassed by my dense pickup lines? OK, I won't continuum. I'll be more discrete.
I=f(U), I can't function without you.
Yo baby, you want to see me solve a quadratic?
Without you, I’d disintegrate.
I’m a fraction – be my other half.
If we were binary, you’d be the one for me.
Do you want to cosine on a mortgage with me?
Are you p>0.5, because I’d never reject you.
I’m a 30-60-90 triangle and you’re a 40-40-90 triangle – we’re just right for each other.
Date me and all of your problems will be polygone.
As I only have two factors, I’m the prime candidate for you.
Hey girl…
Can I call-cu-later?
If four plus four equals eight, then me plus you equals fate.
How about I perform a sort on your variables, and you can analyze my performance? If I were sin2x and you were cos2x, together we’d be ONE!
Why don’t we use some Fourier analysis on our relationship and reduce to a series of simple periodic functions?
I’m not being obtuse, you are acute girl.
You have one compact set.
Your body has the nicest arc length I have ever seen.
Baby, you’re like a student and I am like a math book, you solve all my problems.
I sure hope you know set theory, ’cause I wanna intersect and union with you.
You have changed my world to polar coordinates. Complex and imaginary things now have a magnitude and direction.
If we are both math majors, then why is there so much chemistry between us?
My love for you is like an exponential curve. It’s unbounded.