Anti Pick Up Lines

The complete opposite of pick up lines - Insulting instead of complimenting!

Anti Pick Up Lines

What's a girl like you doing in a nice place like this?
Are you a fortune cookie?
Because you're always wrong.
Did the Lord take the thunder from the skies, and put it in your thighs?
Can I check the tag on your clothes?
Why, because I'm made in heaven?
No, because your sweating profusely through your armpits and I want to avoid purchasing this fabric in the future.
If I could rearrange the alphabet...
I'd leave it the way it is.
Would you sleep with me for $100? I could really use the money.
Your name must be trigonometry, because you make me want to cry.
You must sprinkle extra sugar in your cereal in the morning...
Why, because I'm so sweet?
No, because you're really fat.
Girl, I know your wearing Nike, but I just won't do it.
So how many cats do you have?
Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
Because it looks like you landed on your face.
From the moment I saw you, I knew I would be spending the rest of my life trying to avoid you.
Are you a computer technician?
Because you turn my hardware into software.
Except the direction I'm walking in.
You're like Newton's laws.
Not perfect, but good enough.
Camel called.
He wants his toe back.
Are there people following you?
Because I'm seeing someone behind your back.
There's something gorgeous about your eyes...
Oh, that's it! It's my reflection.
I can tell what a woman drinks just by looking at her, and for you it's a diet coke.
Are you a lumberjack?
Why, because I give you wood?
No, because you have masculine forearms and you're wearing Wranglers jeans.
Hey girl, are you a broom?
Why, because I swept you off your feet?
No, because you're really hairy.
Woah! You look like I need a drink.
My fridge is hotter than you.
Do you know Santa?
Because you're not what I wanted for Christmas.
Did you just fart?
Why, because I blew you away?
No, because you smell like sh*t.
Roses are red
Violets are cheaper
If I leave silent voicemails
Please don’t call me a creeper.
If I could rearrange the alphabet I’d move U.
Because you’re blocking the TV.
Are you bad WiFi?
Because I'm feeling no connection here.
Ask me if I'm a tree.
Are you a tree?
Do you want to dance?
Yeah, sure.
Great, then I can sit there.
If you were a math test, I would cheat on you.
Are you a red light because stop.
Do you have a library card?
So you can check me out?
No, because my cat just died and I need to find a book about cat funerals.
Has a guy ever walked up to you just to tell you how beautiful you are?
They must have been much drunker than I am.
How much does a Polar Bear weigh?
I don't know.
About ten pounds less than you, fat-ass.
Do you like wine?
Because that's all your doing.
When I see your face there's not a thing that I would change...
Excuse me, do you have a pen?
Then you'd better get back to it before the farmer notices you're gone.
I'd like to get you wet. At least long enough to get you back to the ocean.
I have to say “Hi” to the prettiest girl in the room… can you help me say “Hi” to that girl over there?
Do you have a mirror in your pocket?
Why, because you can see yourself in my pants?
No, because I wanted to check how I look before I hit on your hot friend.
Your name must be Calculus Homework, because I have no interest in doing you.
Are you from Tennessee?
Because you look inbred.
Are you a fire detector?
Because you're loud and annoying.
Are you the sun?
Because you should stay 93 million miles away from me.
Are you a banker?
Because you need to leave me a loan.
Are you a cigarette?
Because when I'm done with your butt I'm gonna throw it away.