In this hilarious clip, Mr. Bean has to take an exam, but as you can probably imagine, things don’t go as well as he wou.. Read More
Funny: Explaining the Coronavirus to Your Past Self
Watch comedian Julie Nolke as she explores this amusing (and not a bit bemusing) situation.
Hilarious Stand Up: Why Teens Are God's Revenge
A hilarious stand up by comedian veteran Jeff Allen, all about teens and why they are God's revenge.
Listen to the Past Few Decades of Music in a Single Song!
If you ever wondered what it takes to make a hit single, then the Australian comedy group, Axis of Awesome, have the answer for you!
When Birds Misbehave, the Results Are Utterly Hilarious!
If you think that only dogs and cats are capable of being total jerks, then you ain't seen nothing yet!
What On Earth Is the EMT Doing to That Boy!? (Funny)
This hilarious prank sees an injured boy and an EMT pretending to close a wound on the boy's leg using a stapler. Watch people fall for it now!
Hilarious! Meet the World's Strongest Teenage Girl
If you're looking for something to brighten up your day, then this brilliant prank from the Just For Laughs group is just what you need!
17 Photos That Show Japan Is Truly One of a Kind
These 17 photos capture just a glimpse of what makes Japan feel like an entirely different world.
Why Clove Water Could Change Your Health Forever
Adding a few cloves to your morning water could transform your wellness routine.
12 Takeout Orders That Are So Bad They’re Funny
From crispy salmon served on Pringles chips to a salad that is just one vegetable, these disappointing takeout orders are so bad they’re funny!
Laugh Out Loud: 20 Inaccurate and Funny Signs
Click here to get a good laugh!
Laugh-Out-Loud Kid Moments Told by Parents
Many parents of young children often find themselves in funny or weird situations thanks to their offspring. Read on to find out these funny perspectives.
FUNNY: What If the Buddha Was a Grumpy Jewish Man?
What would the Buddha say if he were Jewish? These quotes are hilarious!
Hilarious: This is Why We Love Kids...
There are a number of reasons we love kids! It isn't just because they laugh out loud most of the time or look great in photos - they also make us laugh...
Would You Like to Drive Any of These Oddball Cars?
Welcome to the world of outrageous cars!
These Child Letters to God are Both Touching and Hilarious
The letters these kids write are astounding.
Hilarious Ad Fails You Won’t Believe Got Approved- 16 Pics
These ad blunders are as funny as they are bizarre.
This Dictionary Has Some Funny New Meanings to Offer Us...
Everything has a real and true meaning, and those belong in a different dictionary, one that will give you clarity and make you laugh
Lost In Translation: 17 Hilariously WEIRD Signs
It’s time for another hilarious collection of translation fails!
Comedy: Keep The Three Stooges Away From Court, Please!
Enjoy this classic The Three Stooges skit, “Disorder in the Court” (1936).
Even Celebrities Go Through an Awkward Phase...
A list of 12 celebrity prom photos from the past
Some Holiday Meals are Just a Mess...
It's a doggie holiday feast!
Have You Ever Seen Such Crazy Wedding Cars??
These are NOT your typical wedding cars...
Magnificent Moments When the Universe Reacted Perfectly
Karma is like fate's way of saying for every tit there's a tat, so when you throw something out into the world, nature sends it right back
Meanwhile in Australia, Some Weird Things are Happening...
Australia is a fascinating and weird place.
These One Page Comics Will Make You Burst Out Laughing!
Lonnie Easterling has been drawing hilarious "Spud Comics" for nearly a decade now. Here are twenty of our favorite ones.
Simon’s Cat Brings Classic Horror Films to Life!
Simon’s cats get into all sorts of mischief. Watch as they bring to life horror films to give their owner (and themselves) quite a fright!
15 Hilarious Photos Taken a Second Before Disaster
A series of photos happening just before disaster strikes.
Some Animals Just Weren't Meant to Be Pets...
These pet owners aren't interested in cats, dogs, fish and birds like you and me. They prefer something a little wilder, and well, stranger...
These Science Comics Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
Ed Himelblau is a biology professor who also makes some seriously funny comics.
Relatable Humor: Summer Woes in 18 Hilarious Comics
These comics perfectly capture summer's sweatiest, most annoying moments.
17 Funny Road Signs That Will Brighten Your Day
We present to you a compilation of some of the most hilarious signs people accidentally stumbled upon on the street
These Senior Cartoons Will Make Anyone Laugh Out Loud
A collection of 20 hilarious comic strips and funny cartoons about aging.
Must Watch! Who Doesn't Enjoy a Good Laugh?
The following pranks, featuring kids, are both hilarious and cute! Check them out.
75 Hilarious Family Jokes Perfect For Kids & Adults!
While some of us might enjoy humor that's a little dark or dirty, these children's jokes are perfect for kids and adults alike!
Funny: When 8 Priests Come Face-to-Face with Lingerie
This clip from a classic Irish comedy features 8 desperate priests embarrassingly trapped in the lingerie department. This will bring tears to your eyes.
Check Out These 14 Witty Signs Spotted at Sports Events
Check out these witty signs spotted at sports events.
Lost in Translation: Laugh-Out-Loud Fails
These translation fails from different languages will have you rolling on the floor with laughter.
Never Make Fun of an Old Man, Because You Never Know...
This old man teaches young punks what it is to have experience! A great prank.
FUNNY PRANK: This Santa Really Doesn’t Like Kids!
This is NOT the Santa we all wanted!
FUNNY: These Animals Can’t Believe What’s on TV!
These pets are totally glued to the TV!
Hilarious: These Cat Comics are Just What I Needed...
These hilarious one-panel comics perfectly illustrate the life of cats.
Hilarious: The Evil Grocery Store!
This is just the kind of pranks I like, and a very creative use of a grocery store!
Tiny Comedians: The Hilarious Things Kids Say!
Much to the confusion and surprise of their parents, kids can sometimes blurt out the darndest things! Here are 15 of the most hilarious things kids uttered.
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