Valentine Jokes

What's a pun's favorite love song?
"My Punny Valentine!"
You're acute Valentine.
I got a valentine from a pickle today...
It meant a great dill to me.
What did the ice cream cone write on his valentine card?
You make me melt.
What did the owl’s valentine say?
You are hootiful.
What do you call it when you try to woo someone with 50% of a Valentine?
A halfhearted attempt.
What's a pun's favorite love song?
"My Punny Valentine!"
“The best way you hurt rich people is by turning them into poor people” – Billy Ray Valentine (Eddie Murphy) Trading Places
If you’re looking for Valentine’s Day inspiration for a meat loving crush, try “Will you beef my Valentine?”
What is the most popular valentine among nuts? The one that says “I’m nuts for you.”
What did the bowl of soup write on their Valentine?
I love you pho real.
What does a flower write on their valentine?
Aloe you vera much.
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