Tip Jokes

"Mom Pro Tip – If you’re old enough to critique what I put in your lunch, you’re old enough to make it yourself." – Unknown
A guy walks into the doctors office complaining of rectal pain, upon examination, the doctor exclaims "Buddy, theres a piece of lettuce coming out of your butt!"
The guy looks to the doctor and says "thats only the tip of the iceburg!"
How are waiters and blockers similar? When they do a good job, they get a big fat tip.
Did you hear about the policeman who tried to make love to a bacon slicer?
He had a tip off.
What’s a good winter tip?
Never catch snowflakes on your tongue until all the birds have flown south for the winter.
I ran out of toilet paper, so started wiping using lettuce leaves
But I'm scared this is the tip of the iceberg.
Ran out of toilet paper today. We’re now using lettuce leaves.
Today was just the tip of the iceberg. Tomorrow romaines to be seen.
When you tip the ketchup bottle,
First will come a little, then a lot'll.
Ran out of toilet paper today. We’re now using lettuce leaves.
Today was just the tip of the iceberg. Tomorrow romaines to be seen.
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