Invisible Jokes

Q: What’s red and invisible?
A: No cherries.
"Doctor, there's a patient on line 1 that says he's invisible."
"Well, tell him I can't see him right now."
What's invisible and smells like worms?
Bird farts.
"Doctor, there's a patient on line 1 that says he's invisible."
"Tell him I can't see him right now."
Do you know where in a hospital the invisible man can't hide?
The ICU.
What is the invisible man's favorite shampoo?
I’m invisible. [Really?] Can you see me? [Yes]. How about tomorrow night?
It’s been a few years since the invisible man married the invisible woman.
Their kids are nothing to look at.
What's red and invisible? No tomatoes.
How do pigs write top secret messages?
With invisible oink!
Will invisible airplanes ever be a thing?
I just can't see them taking off.
How many Conservative economists does it take to change a light bulb?

None. The invisible hand does it.
Q: Patient: Doctor, sometimes I feel like I'm invisible.
A: Doctor: Who said that?
What is invisible and smells like carrots?
A Rabbit's flatulence.
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