An old man lived alone in the country. It was Spring and he wanted to dig his tomato garden, as he had done every year, but it was very hard work for the aging man as the ground was hard. His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was currently in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament:
Scroll below for more funny jokes!
Joke: A Woman's Clever Answer
This woman just thought of the perfect answer to this cop's accusation.
Joke: Don't Drink and Jump
A man and a woman are drinking in a bar at the top of the Empire State Building. The man soon makes a startling revelation...
Joke: How to Get Over the Language Barrier
A furniture salesman heads to Paris on a buying trip. He soon sees a lady that takes his fancy. The only problem is that he doesn't speak French...
Joke: When the Evangelicals Are On TV
When grandma and grandpa are watching the evangelical preacher on the TV, they try to heal themselves of their ills by touching it. It doesn't go so well...
Joke: Lights Go Out, Naughty Comes Out...
Four people are in a train compartment together when everything goes dark. An opportunistic poor man decides to capitalize on the opportunity...
14 Funny Restaurant Sidewalk Signs That Lure You In!
These clever and creative signs were found outside restaurant sidewalks.
Hilarious: 15 Signs You Love Coffee Just a Bit Too Much
This is how you can tell if you don't just like coffee, but love it!
Try Not to Laugh at These Hilarious Pet Photos
Try not to laugh at these Comedy Pet Photography Award winners.
For a Giant Smile, Check Out These Hilarious Cartoons!
If you love cartoon stripes then you came to the right place. Enjoy this collection of funny cartoons that are sure to make your day funnier and your step lighter.
Classic Comedy: Sure, I Can Play the Concerto!
In this classic skit, world famous conductor Andre Previn attempts to get Eric Morecambe to play Grieg's Piano Concerto. How will they get on?
Get Ready to Laugh with these Witty Comics
Enjoy this hilarious collection of one-panel comics by cartoonist D.T. Walsh.
12 Jokes That Are So Silly, They're Actually Hilarious!
Some jokes are so dumb that they are actually hilarious and make you laugh out loud. Below is a selection of such jokes!
Prank: What's the Boss Doing with That Gorgeous Blonde?
With the boss's wife coming and about to catch him in a compromising position, these unsuspecting members of the public don't know what to do.
These Comics Unveil the Universe One Joke at a Time
Learn something new about our universe with these funny educational comics by ‘Spaceytales’.
Simon's Cat: A Day in the Life of a Cat Owner
Being a cat owner really changes you as a person, only cat people understand this. But everyone will get the humor in this new extended Simon's Cat episode!
The Funniest 24 Comics About Cat Life
These comics really get to the reality of owning a cat, better than anything I've ever seen before. They are also hilarious!
This is One of the Funniest Videos I've Ever Seen! (Cheeky)
This hilarious short video is just laugh out loud funny.
The Ridiculous Shenanigans of Laurel and Hardy
Laurel and Hardy never fail to make us laugh.
Mark Twain Had a Lot to Say About Almost Everything
Mark Twain is one of the most famous writers in American history. He was known for his dark wit and humor, and his quotes still inspire people today.
Pun-Lovers, This One’s for You!
If you’re a fan of puns, then you cannot afford to miss this hilarious collection of brain-teasing one-liners and pun-tastic jokes!
From Funny to Weird: These Signs Have It All
These signs are each funnier and more bizarre than the last. What were these people thinking?
Funny: The Constant Battle Between Our Heart and Brain
These comics perfectly illustrate the tricky relationship between your heart and brain
Forget Your Worries and Laugh With Some Hilarious Cartoons
Take a break from the hustle and bustle of your everyday life and enjoy these one-panel comics by artist Dave Coverly.
Funny Pics - The Most Outrageous Car Repair Jobs
These are the most outrageous car repair jobs you’ll ever see.
Some Things Could Only Have Been Invented in Japan
You can always rely on the Japanese to come up with some quirky inventions...
The Art of Comedy: A Hilarious Abbott & Costello Routine
Enjoy this rare vintage skit of the masters of comedy, Abbott & Costello.
Funny Insults: 16 of the Wittiest Comebacks in History
These witty historical retorts show that insults were once an art.
These Hilarious Photos Perfectly Sum Up Married Life
here are some of the most stereotypical and over the top internet's funny jokes about married life. Enjoy these hilarious marriage memes.
Hilarious! Would You Like a Glass of Milk?
What happens to these unsuspecting victims when they are sold milk from a dog?
Hilarious: When Men Have Fun Solving Problems
When it comes to health and safety, these men have left their brains at home. Faced with some tricky challenges, they have tried to solve them in funny ways.
These 17 Cakes Went Terribly Wrong and It’s Hilarious!
All 17 of these baking attempts failed miserably, but somehow, it’s absolutely hilarious!
We Can’t Stop Laughing At These Silly Signs
These are some of the most ridiculous signs we've come across.
Nature’s Funniest Moments: Comedy Wildlife 2024!
Check out the hilarious finalists of the 2024 Nikon Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.
They Risked It All for Laughs: Crazy Silent Film Stunts
These old-time stunts are absolutely hilarious.
These Hilarious Grammar Jokes are a Verbal Delight!
Do you enjoy a good pun? Somehow, they become even funnier when they're related to grammar. Here are 17 hilarious grammar jokes for you to enjoy.
These Dogs Just Don't Understand the Concept of Size!
Maybe a cat took their bed, maybe they just miss being small, but one thing is for sure - these dogs need a bigger bed!
Why Couples Can’t Stop Laughing at These Strips
Being coupled up can be a wonderful thing, but there's no denying that relationships have their ups and downs. Here are 12 funny cartoons about couples.
The Translator is Broken - 16 of the Funniest Photos
English translation fails can be ridiculously funny!
These 'Genius' Repairs Will Make You Laugh Out Loud!
These photos prove that being an amateur engineer for a day may not work out as well as you'd like!
If You Haven't Heard This Bad Memory Song, You Need To!
This hilarious song reminds us all what's funny about bad memory. After all, it's better to laugh than cry!
13 Hilarious Protest Signs That'll Make You Laugh!
Some people like to think that holding up signs will achieve something, but others go to protests for a laugh. Here are 13 funny examples.
Irony Can Be Sweet, As Is Evidenced By These Pictures...
When you see something ironic, it'll often make you stop in your tracks and burst into a fit of laughter, as I'm sure these next 11 images will.