Yeti/ Bigfoot Puns

Bigfoot puns may be hard to find, yeti think that they're absolutely hilarious!

Yeti/ Bigfoot Puns

Has the abominable snowman called?
Not Yeti.
What do they call Bigfoot in Europe?
What do you call a Yeti Gardener?
A hairy potter.
What does Bigfoot say when he sees campers in sleeping bags?
- Yum, Hot Pockets!
Many people think that the Abominable Snowman doesn't exist...
Yeti does.
Are sasquatches superstitious?
Yes, they always knock on wood!
What do you call a sketchy looking Bigfoot?
A Susquatch.
I've always wondered if it was easy to catch Bigfoot...
I was relieved when my doctor told me it wasn't a disease.
Sasquatch often gets mistaken for Bigfoot.
Yeti never complains.
Who is a Yeti's favorite Dracula actor?
Christobrr Lee.
My wife and my friends are sick of my puns about The Abominable Snowman.
Yeti keep cracking them.
Hear about the race between the Yeti and the Sasquatch?
The Sasquatch won, by a big foot.
How does Bigfoot clear his sinuses?
With a yeti pot.
What do you call Bigfoot from Canada?
In the night, a visitor came past my igloo. It was a yeti!
Not sure who left the other cooler, but thanks!
Scientists believe that one day we will find Sasquatch, just...
Not Yeti.
Why do Bigfoots like to tell jokes?
Because they're killer comedians.
How is Big Foot so good at rock climbing?
He always finds the biggest footholds.
Why aren't there more Bigfoot jokes?
There are, but they're really hard to find!
What is a baby sasquatch's favorite toy?
His Yeti Bear!
How does Bigfoot stay in shape?
It does Sas-squats.
What does the Yeti do when he is tired?
Himalaya down.
Where does Sasquatch store his stuff while he's out on a hike?
In a big footlocker.
Why does Bigfoot only leave footprints behind?
Sasquatch doesn't litter in the great outdoors.
Yetis have declared their own independent state in the Himalayas.
It's an abomi-nation.
What do you call it when the Bigfoot in charge makes pasta for all the others?
Alpha Yeti Spaghetti!
What do you call a yeti with a sixpack?
The abdominable snowman.
What does Bigfoot do to relax in his spare time?
He goes bird squatching!
How do Yetis tell the time?
With a sasq-watch.
What is the Abominable Snowman's favourite type of cup?
A yeti.
How do yetis stay regular?
They always know wendigo.
How does Big Foot find his way through the deepest darkest forests?
He just follows the big footpath!
A barber, a hairdresser, and Bigfoot walk into a bar...
You know what...I'm gonna shave this joke for another time.
Big Foot has been spotted throwing tantrums and talking back to his parents.
No wonder they call him the Sassquatch.
What happens when Bigfoot gets lost in the fog?
He is mist!
Have you heard about the Italian Bigfoot?
The spag-yeti.
Where do Yetis go to dance?
To a snow ball.
Bigfoot saw me today
I bet nobody believes him.
Finding Bigfoot will be no small feat.
What do you get if you cross a pumpkin with a bigfoot?
A Sasquash.
Who babysits young Bigfoots?
What kind of vehicle does Bigfoot drive?
A big toe-truck.