Witch Puns

These hilarious witch puns are eerie-sistable!

Witch Puns

What do you call a witch's spotless garage?
A broom closet.
Why was the book of incantations useless?
Because the author failed to do a spell-check.
Why are witches good at farming?
Because they love occult-ivation.
Someone who does not become a witch until they're old is a late broomer.
A witch with chickenpox is called an itchy-witchy.
How did the witch feel about using her broom to do housework?
She bristled at the suggestion!
Did you hear about the witch who got plastic surgery?
She looked really good afterworts.
What do you call a fast broomstick?
A vroom-stick.
Why do witches only ride their broomsticks at night?
That's the time to sweep.
What does a witch get if she crosses a black cat and a lemon?
A sour puss.
Witch doctors write their prescriptions in curse-ive.
Why did the witch go to the doctor?
She had a dizzy spell.
Can’t take my eyes off of her brewtiful face.
How did the witch invite the wizard to take an evening ride on her broomstick?
Voodoo like to ride with me?
What kind of noise does a witch’s vehicle make?
Brrrroooom, brrroooom.