Monster Puns

These hilarious monster puns are SPOOK-tacular!

Monster Puns

Why didn’t the zombie stay in town?
There was a new head strong sherif in town!
When a big giant eel takes your hand for a meal...
...that’s a moray.
Who is the most famous French skeleton?
Napolean Bone-aparte.
What's a ghost with a broken leg called? A hoblin goblin.
Why was the zombie so grumpy?
He woke up on the wrong side of the dead.
Why was the ghoul so smart?
He always ate brain food!
What do witches in Australia ride?
What is a ghost’s favorite carnival ride? The rollerghoster.
I just found out my Husband is a Ghost. I realised the moment he walked through the door.
Who brings the monsters their babies?
What is it called when a skeleton lawyer works for free!
Pro Bone-O.
How do ghouls like their meals?
Why do demons and ghouls hang out together?
Because demons are a ghoul's best friend.
What trees do ghouls like best?
What does Bigfoot do to relax in his spare time?
He goes bird squatching!
Why don’t people like grumpy vampires?
Because they have bat tempers.
How are zombies like computers?
They use mega-bites!
What kind of writer did the ghost hire to write his biography? A ghostwriter, duh.
Why did the Ghosts win the soccer match? They scored more Ghouls.
What do you call it when the Bigfoot in charge makes pasta for all the others?
Alpha Yeti Spaghetti!
In the night, a visitor came past my igloo. It was a yeti!
Not sure who left the other cooler, but thanks!
How does Frankenstein speak?
If I made werewolf puns, they would be howl-arious.
How did the skeleton know it was going to rain?
He could feel it in his bones.
What do you call a really cold, young werewolf?
A pupsicle.
I've always wondered if it was easy to catch Bigfoot...
I was relieved when my doctor told me it wasn't a disease.
What do you call a ghost of a man with a broken leg? A hobblin’ goblin.
What’s a skeleton’s favorite plant?
A bone-zai.
Judging by the sounds, there’s an ogre staying in the hotel room above me.
Hopefully he shreks out tomorrow.
Why are vampires like false teeth?
They come out at night.
Dracula always read the best selling local newspaper because he heard that it had a good circulation.
What is the collective noun for Ghosts? Team spirit.
Where do school-going vampires carry their books?
In bat-packs.
What is a baby sasquatch's favorite toy?
His Yeti Bear!
What do you get when you cross a ghoul and a vampire?
A hemogoblin.
Did you hear that the police arrested a pair of vampires?
They got them on two Counts of robbing a blood bank!
Where do Yetis go to dance?
To a snow ball.
What goes ‘Cackle, cackle, cackle, bonk’?
A witch laughing her head off.
What is a werewolf’s favorite drink?
What do you call a ghost who haunts fireplaces? A toastie ghostie.
What game do Ghost children play? Hide and shriek!
What kind of birds do skeletons like?
Sea skulls.
Where do fashionable ghosts shop for sheets? Bootiques.
What kind of hotdogs do ghouls like best?
What’s a ghoul’s favorite love story?
Romeo and Ghouliet!
Werewolves love their fast food.
Why did Frankenstein turn to solar?
For the free charge.
Did you hear about the werewolf who got invited to the dance?
He really wanted to go, but the upcoming full moon was giving him paws.
What kind of potatoes do zombies like?
Monster mash.
Why did the witch fall off her broom mid-flight?
She had a fainting spell!