Dr. Ellsworth Wareham is a famous cardiothroacic surgeon who retired at the age of... 95. Now, at 98, with his mind stil.. Read More
Ikaria - The Greek Island With the Key to Longevity
The life expectancy on the tiny Greek island of Ikaria is s much higher than the rest of the world. What is the secret of Ikaria's long-lived residents?
A Few Facts You Probably Don’t Know On Salmon
Salmon - the different varieties, health benefits and more interesting facts you probably didn’t know about this popular fish
Is This a Radical New Way to Treat the Spine?
Paralysis as a result of spinal cord injury is a problem that the medical world has been trying to solve for a long time. Thankfully, the solution may be in sight...
Cutting Out Fast Food for 7 Days Will Have Major Benefits
Cutting out fasy food from your life for just a week can have great effect on your body. A health expert explains how...
Eat These Foods for Pristine White Teeth
From oranges to cauliflower, and even the amount of milk you drink per day, this video will touch on 13 foods to eat for a naturally white smile
Learn Exactly What Ketogenic Diet Does To Your Body
The popular ketogenic diet, nicknamed keto, has a few side effects, which are important to be aware of.
Gallery – The 2024 Infrared Photography Contest Winners
Marvel at the stunning winners of the 2024 Infrared Photography Contest.
Is Your Supplement Safe? Try These Simple Tests to Know
How can you tell if a supplement is a fake? Watch this video to find out...
What Would Happen to Our Bodies if We Didn't Drink Water?
Watch: What role does water play in our body and how much do we actually need to drink to stay healthy?
What Happens When We Eat Oatmeal Every Day?
Why is eating oatmeal every day so healthy, and what happens to our body when we stick to it?
The Shocking Truth About Eggs and Heart Disease
What exactly do eggs do to our arteries? Find out the truth.
Improve Your Oxygen Levels Naturally With These Tips
Learning how to keep your respiratory system healthy is an important way to combat respiratory infections. Here are several helpful tips!
3 Ways to Self Pop Your WHOLE BACK for Instant Pain Relief
Learn how to pop your own back for instant pain relief.
14 Super Foods that Fight to Prevent Cancer
These super foods, taken daily, have been proven to fight to free your body from the risk of cancer.
10 Simple Habit Changes Will Help You Quickly Lose Weight
Ten easy to follow habit changes that will help you take down those pounds much sooner.
Boost Your Eye Health with These Simple Exercises
These simple techniques can help keep your eyes feeling fresh.
Have You Been Eating These Foods Wrong This Whole Time?
Learn how you might have been eating some fruits and veggies the wrong way all this time and not getting their full benefits.
Foot Hurts When Walking? Avoid These Mistakes!
Does your foot hurt while walking? You might be making some mistakes without even realizing.
The Best Exercises to Stop Your Slouch
You don’t need to live with your slouch as you age. There are some easy fixes for it.
Is Kidney Disease the Hidden Cause of Your Back Pain?
Is your back pain actually a cause of some kidney disease?
This Common Habit Could Be Quickening Your Ageing Process
Watching TV is a great way to relax, but if you get into the habit of doing it regularly, you'll be surprised how much it negatively affects how your body ages.
How to Strengthen and Stabilize the Hips Through Exercises
These senior-friendly exercises will help you strengthen the hips and improve your sense of balance.
How to Cook Eggs for Optimal Nutrition
These cooking hacks make eggs healthier.
Memory Not Working? The Answer May Be Hiding in Your Sleep
If you want to remember better, this lecture will tell you - The answer is in your sleep.
Did This Technique Just Kill 99% of Cancer Cells?
This revolutionary method, employing the power of vibrating molecules, heralds a new dawn in the fight against cancer, offering hope for a more efficient and less invasive approach to treatment.
Feeling Off? 8 Signs Your Cortisol May Be High
How do you know if your cortisol is high?
Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin with These 5 Exercises
These 5 exercises will help give your chin a tighter, younger, and healthier look, and eventually to help you get rid of a double chin all together.
Can Aging Be Cured in Your Lifetime? It May Be So...
Could there be a cure for aging? Watch this video and find out!
Multiple Myeloma: New Treatments in the Modern Age
New and innovative Treatments for Multiple Myeloma
What Drinking Whiskey Actually Does to Your Body
While we now know that whiskey isn't the cure-all medicine people once though it was, it does have a few proven health benefits.
Breakthrough: Lion's Mane Mushrooms Boost Memory & Nerves!
Researchers have recently uncovered the mushroom's potent compounds, particularly hericene A, that could help nerve cells grow and better interact with each other.
Did You Know Your Ears Hold Secrets About Your Heart?
Could that small vertical mark on your ear have something to do with heart disease? Here is a simple test that could protect you from serious damage to your health.
Exercise Your Knees at Home to Prevent Recurring Pain
Knee pain is one of the most common pains, but these simple exercises can help you out...
10 Daily Habits that Contribute to Your Lower Back Pain
Here are 10 daily activities that might be causing your back pain and that you should be aware of in order to stop them.
Experience Instant Benefits with This Thumb Technique!
Try this thumb reflex technique to experience multiple health benefits!
Here's a Fast Technique to Put You to Sleep In 1 Minute
Struggling to fall asleep at night? Here’s a super exercise that might make you doze off in just 60 seconds.
How to Effectively Improve Leg Circulation by About 75%
Here’s how you can improve blood circulation in your legs and feet effectively.
Foot and Leg Pain? Try These Neuropathy Exercises
Peripheral neuropathy can be a real challenge, especially for older adults. But you can manage its symptoms with these gentle exercises.
Which Is Better for You: Brown or White Eggs?
Are brown eggs really healthier than white eggs? Let’s find out.
7 Easy Ways to Reverse Receding Gums Naturally
Worried about your receding gums? These useful tips will help…
This Diet Slows Down Hearing Loss
Certain diets can preserve and maintain good hearing while slowing hear loss.
What Your Feet Might Be Telling You About Your Health
Can your feet predict health problems? Let’s find out.
7 Anxiety-Inducing Activities You Are Unknowingly Doing
Be careful! These supposedly calming common habits are making you more anxious.
Seniors Health: Reduce Hip Pain With These Exercises
Hips troubling you more than regular? Watch this video for help.
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