Imagine walking down the road and seeing a car with a giant and scary rat's face glaring at you. No, that’s not a scene from a bad sci-fi film. That’s one of the many weird car designs we're about to present for you today. In these pictures below, you will get to see some of the most peculiar car models ever designed. Some of them resemble tanks and boats and some have been inspired by animals. Looking at them, you will surely wonder how these oddball designs ever got made.
See Also: Makeshift Vehicles and Strange Cars That’ll Blow Your Mind
Welcome to the World of Bizarre Cars -14 Pics
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The Incredible Cars That Broke the Land Speed Record
Having broken the speed of sound, designers are developing a car designed to travel at 1000 mph. Here are the other cars that have broken the land speed record.
7 Beloved Grand Cars Reimagined as Today's Cars
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Would You Drive the Slowest Sports Car in the World?
Take a ride in this snazzy-looking Porsche. Just one thing - you will have to pedal it yourself!
Exactly How Did These People Get Their Driving Licenses?
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These Timeless Campervans Are Classics of Their Era
There is no greater sense of freedom than hitting the road in a campervan, and some people still prefer to ride in the old classics.
Have You Ever Wondered What Happened to Princess Di's Car?
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24 Beautiful Vintage Cars That Make Me Pine for the Past
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20 Mini Airplanes You Won’t Believe Actually Fly!
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Days Of Future Past: 14 Bizarre Cars From Bygone Eras
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How the Spitfire Became the Most Iconic Plane to Ever Fly
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"Rare & Expensive" Doesn't Do These Muscle Cars Justice...
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These Ships Were Sailing Long Before You Were Born
Some of the world's oldest ships still capable of sailing the seas today are much older than you'd imagine. Discover the oldest ships still afloat in the world.
Power & Precision: 10 Incredible Muscle Car Photos
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This Might Have Been the Strangest Aircraft Ever Built
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Step Inside These Rarely Seen Vehicle Cabins (14 Pics)
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These Cars Are So Obscure, Even We Didn't Know About Them!
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Fixing a Car Has Never Been Easier Thanks to This Guide
Discover how to diagnose and fix 16 common car problems thanks to the awesome video guides.
This is One LUXURY RIDE You'll Want to See!
Join us on an awe-inspiring train ride! Japan's Seven Stars Luxury Train is often referred to as the world’s most exclusive train.
11 Forgotten Standard Car Features We Don't Use Anymore
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The 60s Had Some of the Most Beautiful Car Designs Ever
The 1960s were an era of great music, beautiful fashion and absolutely gorgeous cars.
How Far Can You Drive with a Car's Fuel Warning Light On?
Sometimes we inevitably end up cutting it too fine when it comes to the amount of gas that we have in our car. Read this guide to learn how far you can go.
Meet the World’s Most Advanced and Lethal Fighter Jets
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You Won’t Find Cars Like These At Any Old Car Lot!
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These Cars Were Designed By Some Truly Creative Geniuses!
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Unusual Vehicles: The Craziest Rides You’ll Encounter
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20 Photos Showing the Evolution of the Formula 1 Cars
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“What Did You Do to Your Car?!” – Bizarre Modifications
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These U.S. Postal Vehicles Depict a Fascinating History
Go back in time and know the fascinating history behind some of the oldest U.S. postal vehicles, dating back to the 19th and 20th century.
When People Messed With Their Cars… With Bizarre Results
Sometimes people make the weirdest modifications in their cars. Take a look.
These Remarkable Cars Broke the Land Speed Record!
Having broken the speed of sound, designers are developing a car designed to travel at 1000 mph. Here are the other cars that have broken the land speed record.
The Story of the Only Aircraft Built With Pivoting Wings
Did you know NASA once tested pivoting wing technology?
NASA’s X-59: Quiet Supersonic Flight is Coming Soon
Could this be the future of how we fly?
Cadzilla: One of the Most Beautiful Cars Ever Made!
This may be the most beautiful Cadillac car.
13 Lesser-Known Car Facts That May Surprise You
We're so used to cars that we sometimes forget that their history is incredibly interesting.
These Amazing Futuristic Cars Were Imagined In The ‘40s
This short video, which was released way back in 1948, showcases some really cool futuristic cars that look advanced even for today.
The 10 Worst Jet Airplanes Ever to Fly...
From the farcical, to the catastrophic and downright dangerous, these are the 10 worst jet airplanes ever.
James Bond's Best 15 Cars, Boats and Planes!
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7 Beloved Grand Cars Reimagined as Today's Cars
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I Thought I'd Seen it All... Until I Saw These Cars...
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These Cars are Completely Bizarre and Hilarious!
From cars that look like other things to cars that look like they are about to fight zombies to cars that are half a motorcycle!