William Jokes

A lot of William Shakespeare’s plays were based off of old Greek and Roman performances
That's playgarism if you ask me.
“My relationships with my cats have saved me from a deadly, pervasive ignorance.”

- William S. Burroughs.
“A baseball game is twice as much fun if you’re seeing it on the company’s time.” — William C. Feather
“It’s a shame that the only thing a man can do for eight hours a day is work. He can’t eat for eight hours; he can’t drink for eight hours; he can’t make love for eight hours. The only thing a man can do for eight hours is work.” — William Faulkner
Why did Bill's friend get covered in beer?
Because William Shakes Beer.
"Money is like a sixth sense – and you can’t make use of the other five without it." ~ William Somerset Maugham
“Mother Nature is providential. She gives us twelve years to develop a love for our children before turning them into teenagers.”

- William Galvin.
“Mother Nature is providential. She gives us twelve years to develop a love for our children before turning them into teenagers.”

- William Galvin.
My dog loves poetry.
Especially William Shakes-paw.
Sir William Howe... are you doing?
"Do I love you? My god, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."
— William Goldman, The Princess Bride
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