Mode Jokes

What’s the best way to serve pi?
A la mode. Anything else is mean.
What is a skeleton’s favorite mode of transport?
A scare-plane.
What is Jack Frost’s favourite mode of transport?
A Tr-Ice-cycle
What do you call an 80s synth pop band with a scoop of ice cream? Depeche a la Mode.
Why does your laptop have a blanket on it?
It's on sleep mode.
Strawberries love to travel. Their favorite mode of transport is the wind-jam-mer.
What do you call an 80s synth pop band with a scoop of ice cream? Depeche a la Mode.
What's a werewolf's favorite mode of transport?
A lunar cycle.
What do you get if you divide the circumference of a bowl of ice cream by its diameter? Pi a'la mode.
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