A little person brings in a jackass and a honeycomb into a little hotel.
The manager asked, "what can we do for you?"
He said, "I need a room, as my wife threw me out."
The manager asked "That's sad. Whatever for? And, excuse my curiosity, why do you have a jackass and a honeycomb?"
"Well," the little guy answered, "my woman stumbled upon a genie in a bottle, and he granted her 3 wishes. The first was to have the nicest ass in the land, so he gave her this jackass. Her second wish was for a 'house fit for a queen', so he gave her this beehive."
The manager asked, "And what of the third wish?"
"For her third wish, my woman asked the genie to make my penis hang down past my knee."
"Well, that one's not so bad!" the manager exclaimed.
"'Not so bad!?', he replied, "I used to be 6 feet tall!"