Gray Jokes

What do you call a gray animal with big ears and a large trunk?
A traveling mouse.
Do you know why no one has ever been sentenced for crimes committed on the moon?
Because it's a gray area.
“After scolding one’s cat one looks into its face and is seized by the ugly suspicion that it understood every word. And has filed it for reference.”

- Charlotte Gray.
Roses aren’t red,
Violets are gray,
Ever since I looked at the sun,
It's been a bad day.
Roses are gray,
Violets are gray.
You are gray,
I’m a dog.
What’s gray, squeaky and hangs around in caves?
What is gray, hairy and lives on a mans face?
A mouse-tache!
What's gray and furry on the inside and white on the outside? A mouse sandwich!
What is gray, hairy and lives on a mans face? A mouse-tache!
When she saw her first strands of gray hair...
She thought she would dye.
Car Salesman: And if you don't like this color, we have another one in "Boulder Gray"
Me: Gray isn't very bold to begin with, how did you make it bolder?
Do black and white count as colors?
It's a gray area.
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