Language is full of quirks, contradictions, and unexpected surprises. Words can shift meanings depending on context, while grammar rules often make no sense at all. It’s no wonder that people have been playing with language for centuries, turning its oddities into clever jokes and puns. Here are some hilarious language jokes to keep you laughing all week!
Related: Language Humor: 20 Hilariously Clever Grammar Jokes & Puns
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Laugh along with this hilarious collection of classic dad jokes.
Language Humor: 15 Hilariously Bad Translation Fails
Translation isn’t for everyone and these pictures show exactly why.
These Signboards Have the Worst Spelling Mistakes
These have to be some of the most unfortunate typos ever.
These Cool Winter Puns Are SNOW Much Fun
Winter will feel much more enjoyable when you read our collection of winter-themed puns and jokes.
18 Puns That Prove Laughter is the Best Medicine!
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Time to Ditch These Outdated Rules of English Grammar!
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Simon's Cat Leaves His Owner Out in the Cold!
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FUNNY PICS: How About DON'T Do It Yourself?!
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When Parking Signs Get a Sense of Humor! (15 Pics)
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Hilarious: Some of the Funniest Shop Names I've Seen!
These restaurants are worth visiting just for their hilarious names!
The Funniest 24 Comics About Cat Life
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Add Some Humor to Your Day With These One-Frame Funnies!
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These 1958 Instructions for Finding a Husband are a Hoot!
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Some Things Could Only Have Been Invented in Japan
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Hilarious: What if Babies Could Express Their Thoughts?
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Hilarious: These Inventions are Proof We’ve Given Up Trying
These products are taking our laziness game to astronomical levels.
When Signs Go Wrong and End Up Being Too Funny
These unintentionally funny signs prove not all messages go as planned.
Hilarious Animal Encounters During Flights - 14 Pics
The funniest animal encounters on a plane.
20 Hysterical Photos Taken in the Perfect Time and Place!
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Mr. Bean Can't Even Go to Hospital without Making a Scene!
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Excuse Me, Interior Designers? May I Ask... WHY?!?
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Prank: What's the Boss Doing with That Gorgeous Blonde?
With the boss's wife coming and about to catch him in a compromising position, these unsuspecting members of the public don't know what to do.
Mr. Bean Never Expected a Round of Golf Like That...
Mr Bean decides to treat himself to a round of crazy golf. He starts off with a fantastic hole in one, but things start to take a turn for the worse…
Hilarious: 15 Signs You Love Coffee Just a Bit Too Much
This is how you can tell if you don't just like coffee, but love it!
These FUNNY Spring Jokes Will Blossom Your Mood!
Enjoy this hilarious collection of spring jokes and puns.
The Most Embarrassing Things to Happen on Camera...
A funny compilation of people who are having their day ruined by unexpected events.
Hilarious Fortune Cookie Messages to Make You Laugh
Fortune cookies can be quite sassy sometimes!
Laugh and Groan at These Hilarious Punny Jokes
These puns are pure gold for your laugh collection.
The Funny Realities of New Year's Resolutions
New Year’s Resolutions can be fun or annoying depending on the way you look at them. These funny comic strips take a dig at the tradition.
Hilarious: These Silly Signs Will Lift Your Spirits!
Check out this collection of ridiculously funny signs that will make you chuckle and brighten your day.
Funny Sketch! If He Doesn't Know the Answer, Why Not Pass?
Eric and Ernie are like chalk and cheese. While one plays it straight, the other is all over the place. Do you remember this legendary Mastermind sketch?
People's Decisions Can Be Hilariously Dumb Sometimes...
How can people be do such dumb things? It really beggars belief, but luckily for us, other people's stupidity can mean endless laughter for us. Enjoy!
These Science Comics Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
Ed Himelblau is a biology professor who also makes some seriously funny comics.
Food for Thought (and Laughter): 15 Hilarious Quotes
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Funny Prank: A Sign It's Time For a Kiss!
Who knew, one only needs to be holding a "Kiss Me" sign to get all the girls and... others...
Hilarious! These Dogs Actually Think They're Cats
15 photos of dogs who think they're cats. These are bound to make you laugh.
Hilarious: The Evil Grocery Store!
This is just the kind of pranks I like, and a very creative use of a grocery store!
The Most Hilarious Car Bumper Stickers Ever...
Here are some of the most hilarious car bumper stickers ever.
The Funniest Videos are Shot Right at Home!
These hilarious videos are all winners of the Funniest Home Videos Awards!