Without a doubt, otters are some of the cutest, cleverest, and most charming creatures in the animal world! And we’re not just saying that because of their fluffy coats and button noses (although that’s definitely part of the story). Otters are also very affectionate towards each other. For instance, two otters often swim holding paws, and an otter mom swims embracing her baby and carrying it on her belly. How cute!
And there are plenty of other adorable behaviors in the otter world which you can read about right here - Everything You Need to Know about Otters. But we heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, so we compiled a photo collection that showcases otters in all their adorableness, enjoy!
Aww! Baby Wombats Are the CUTEST
Baby wombats are among the cutest animals on this planet!
Why Are These Big Cats Behaving Like Cute Kittens?
Big cats, small cats, it doesn't matter; they are all the same…
These Wacky Racoons Are Here to Make You Laugh Out Loud!
With all their quirky deviousness, craftiness, and charisma, these raccoons are here to steal your heart!
Corgis Really Are the Sweetest Puppers - Adorable!
Enjoy 20 hilarious and cute pictures of the best puppies and dogs ever!
ADORABLE: When Pets Don’t Know How to Hide Their Jealousy!
This video features an adorable collection of pets who simply can't hide their jealousy.
Animals Need Toys Too! - 14 Heartwarming Photos
Watching pets interact with their beloved plushies is beyond cute, as like humans, they cuddle, play, eat together, and even show off their toys to other animals
These Animals Have a LOT to Say!
This video is full of the cutest talkative animals and pets!
20 Adorable and Inspirational Quotes about Dogs
Every dog lover needs to read these adorable and inspirational quotes about our furry friends.
These Dogs Clearly Have Problems Dealing With Their Size...
These dogs have some problems dealing with how big they are... and so do their owners!
Cats Have a Timeless Style: 17 Historical Photos
Cats have left an impression on humans throughout history.
Dogs In Love Sends the Cuteness Scale off the Charts!
According to these photos, it isn't just humans that feel all loved up - dogs are prone to it too. View these 18 adorable pictures now.
Cats Really Do Live in Their Own Funny Little Worlds
Cats are a law unto themselves, and we absolutely love them for it!
These Inter-Species Friendships Melted My Heart...
Watching these animals from different worlds become fast friends makes me feel so happy!
Cute Nature: A Day in the Life of an Adorable Pika
This sneaky pika is an adorable little devil!
Brighten Up Your Day with These 14 Cute Animals!
The following 14 cute animals will make you smile no matter what day you've had, and you can share them friends so that they too have a reason to smile today.
Can You Think of Anything Cuter Than Tiny Animals?
These small pets are just too cute!
I Can't Believe These Dogs Really Look Like This!
Stunning examples of dogs with the cutest, and most amazing, fur patterns you have ever seen.
These Cat-Snaps Will Brighten up the Darkest of Days!
These funny cat photographs will leave you grinning from ear to ear!
What Do Our Pets Do When We're Out? An Adorable Answer
What do pets do when you're not home? Why, act naughty of course!
Cats Are Heartless? Watch What This Cat Does for a Friend
Dog with separation anxiety receives unexpected help from cat
This Tiny Octopus Gets Excited When His Human Visits
Watch this tiny octopus as it gets excited and 'plays' with his human friend.
These Animals Would Be Able to Sleep Just About Anywhere!
Some pets are so cute. They appear to be able to sleep just about anywhere. Take a look at these 23 oh-so-cute animals that didn't make it to bed.
Challenge: Try Not to Laugh at These Hilarious Cats!
This cat compilation is among the funniest cat videos I've ever seen.
Who Says That Cats and Dogs Don't Get Along?
These dogs are determined to make friends with cats... and eventually they succeed.
15 Delightfully Cute Photos of Unlikely Animal Friends
Meet the most unusual and cutest animal companions.
Get Ready to Feel All Warm and Fuzzy With These Dog Comics
Get ready to feel all warm and fuzzy with these heartwarming and cute dog comics by .Hey Buddy Comics’.
20 Hilarious Moments of Animals Just Having a Little Fun!
30 hysterical examples of why we love animals!
A Terrific Dance of Dog and Human!
In this fantastic dance, this pet owner uses a mirror to convey both subtext and some fabulous dance steps for her 4-legged partner.
Too Cute! See These Babies React to Their Dad Coming Home
In this baby videos compilation, you will see happy babies who can't get enough of their dads the moment they come home.
Labradors Can be Among the Funniest of Dogs...
Watch as these usually obedient dogs do the craziest things!
Working from Home Means Having the CUTEST Colleagues
These pet owners posted their funniest pictures on twitter, capturing their cats and dogs ‘helping’ them work from home.
Sometimes, All a Cat Needs Is a Dog to Sleep On
All a cat truly desires is a cozy and comfortable spot... and what better place than resting on the dog?
Cute Alert - 15 Animals That Will Warm Your Soul!
From red pandas to baby rabbits and sea otters, all these adorable bundles of joy showed up here to brighten your day!
Just When You Think Your Babies Are Secure, They Escape!
No prison will hold these brave, cunning little people.
Naughty Dogs That'll Split Your Sides and Melt Your Heart
Naughty dogs tend to do the funniest yet cutest things. This hilarious video is guaranteed to split your sides with laughter!
These Dogs Are Full Grown, But Think They're Puppies...
These adorable, yet hilarious photos will prove that every dog secretly wants to remain a puppy...
These Pets Just Need 5 More Minutes of Beauty Sleep
Nothing will wake up these adorable pets on their lazy morning.
5 Types of Rules Kids Need at Home for Good Development
This article discusses the 5 types of rules children should have at home as well as tips for implementing these rules.
Toddlers Are the Funniest Humans!
Nobody makes people laugh more than toddlers, so prepare for a side splitting giggle fest: these are the funniest toddler fails of the year!
I Couldn't Help But Laugh at This Dog's Urge to Sing
Watch this French bulldog sing-a-long with his owner!
Puppies on Their First Day at Work Are Too Cute for Words
These puppies may look cute, but don't be fooled as they're on a serious mission. These pictures of puppies during their first day of work will melt your heart.
Let Me Cuddle These 23 Adorable Teddy Bear-Like Puppies!
Have teddy bears infiltrated the dog population? These pictures seem to suggest so.
Is There Anything Cuter Than a Golden Retriever Puppy?
What's cuter than a Golden Retriever? A Golden Retriever puppy, of course! You've got to check out this photo gallery, which will melt your heart!
These Cats Trying to Get a Tan Are Just Too Funny!
Have a look at crazy but cute cats that just can't seem to get enough of the sun!
This Duckling Mother and Her Brood Are Just Charming!
What happens when this group of ducklings find themselves in a bind when trying to follow their mother? An enchanting video that would make anyone smile.
20 Priceless Dog Mommy Moments - SO CUTE!
Even those who have a heart of stone will go ‘aww’ after seeing these heartwarming animal moments!
17 Adorable Pictures of Animals Basking in the Sun
Take a look at this delightful collection of pictures of adorable animals just chilling out in the sun.