Show Jokes

Hey girl, I’m not just going to show you the world, I’ll show you the universe.
Can I give you a hug to show you how soft my sweater is?
Can I take a picture of you, so I can show Santa exactly what I want for Christmas?
Why couldn’t the orange dance in the talent show without his partner?
Because it takes two to “tang-o.”
Girl give me a chance and I will show you a world of our own where spell of love began and our hearts become one
why did the spoon show up dressed as a knife ?
Invitation said to look sharp.
What’s the name of the gardener’s favorite show? Lawn and order.
Want to show me how to make steamy greens?
After I show a peach the way, it says: “I really ap-peach-iate your help!”
If you come with me, I'll show you a hard day's night.
Can I show you my yellow submarine?
I was watching an Australian cooking show recently and the audience began applauding when the chef made meringue. Which is odd because...
Australians usually boo meringue.
I just lost my job and may be Baroque, but that doesn't mean I can't show you a good time.
I was watching a new cooking show where you only get to pick one pan to use the whole time…
It's called, "Do You Have The Skillet Takes?!"
Is your name Alice? ‘cause baby I can show you Wonderland.