Scientists Jokes

Medieval scientists were known to be very arrogant and stubborn. They thought that everything revolved around them!
A Scientific Roast
A philosopher, a mathematician, a chemist and a physicist were at coffee shop. The physicist turns to the chemist sitting next to him and says "You know, chemistry is just applied physics!" They all laugh a bit at the chemist. The mathematician turns to the physicist sitting next to him and says "You know, physics is just applied mathematics!" They all share a laugh at the physicist. At which point, the philosopher interjects, "And mathematics is just applied philosophy!" The laughter roars even louder. The mathematician turns to the philosopher and says: "That's funny. Now shut up and bring me the coffee I ordered."
Scientists have found that the center of Jupiter… has the letter i.
The scientists decided to clean up the Thames because it had a dirty mouth.
I'm attracted to you so strongly, scientists will have to develop a fifth fundamental force.
Scientists believe that one day we will find Sasquatch, just...
Not Yeti.
Why was there lightning and thunder in the lab?
The scientists were brainstorming.
In a recent study, NASA scientists confirmed that Uranus smells like farts.
Scientists have just discovered a fossilized Dinosaur fart...
They say it’s a blast from the past!
Scientists have proven that cats have more hair on one side. Which side is it?
The outside.
Scientists transformed a tiger into a horse.
Don't worry, it's in a stable condition.
The amount of bad Covid-19 jokes being circulated is starting to reach alarming figures
Some scientists suspect that it might be a pundemic.
Scientists have discovered what is believed to be the world's largest bed sheet.
More on this story, as it unfolds.
Do scientists who study the sun have a flare for research?
Scientists permit us to see the sun in different light.
Scientists have genetically modified a Venus Fly Trap to have the skin of a cactus
They say its bark is worse than its bite.