Calling Jokes

Mark Knopfler is opening a Chinese restaurant
He's calling it Wok of Life.
Did you hear about the Irishman that drank 100 liters of stout in just 30 minutes?
They’re calling it a Guinness World Record.
I was calling the hospital, but it seems they were busy. The picked up the phone and said,
"Urology department, can you hold?"
My friends have been calling me a loon, because I'm crazy about you.
Sorry for not calling sooner, I was budy complaining to Spotify for not naming you the year's hottest single.
Did you hear about the croc calling the frog? He just croc-o-dialled.
I just found out that Mercedes is donating state-of-the-art street sweepers to some of the largest cities around the world to help fight littering.
They're calling it Mercedes-clenz.
I tried calling my fruit friend thrice, but could not peach him, as his phone was out of peach.
My sister had twins, a boy and a girl, and asked for help naming them.
She liked my suggestion of calling the girl Denise, but had second thoughts when I suggested calling the boy Danephew.
Hey, baby. I'm calling myself Han because you need to be Solo.
There was a flamingo in our garden for such a long time, we started calling it a flaminstay.
My dad kept calling referring to this mason jar as his “boom box”.
When I asked him why, he responded “I use it for all my jams!”
So my daughter is calling me all excited. I come by her room to her holding her cup above her head and says "Dad look..."
"I'm breathing underwater."
Did you hear that cats have carried out a Coup in Barcelona and declared independence from Spain?
They're calling themselves the Republic of Catalo-nya.
When the onion band covered the song Waka Waka by Shakira, they started calling the song 'Walla Walla'.