What Do You SEE in These Paintings?

For art-lovers across the globe, aesthetic interpretation can be a highly fulfilling and emotional experience. Even more interestingly, the way in which we interpret a work of art often says a lot about ourselves, since the process of forming thoughts and perceiving the world comes from deep within our psyche. The following personality test aims to help you discover more about yourself, through the power of artistic interpretation. For each painting, choose the interpretation which makes the most sense to you. Keep in mind that there are no right or wrong answers, since each analysis is valid in its own right.
Blue nude woman artwork
Which interpretation makes most sense to you?
A woman is frustrated with the path her life is taking.
An abstract depiction of the solitude that can come with freedom.
A woman is disappointed with the day she chose to sunbathe.
A mermaid has washed up on the shore.
surreal cemetery artwork
Which interpretation makes most sense to you?
Life is too boring when everyone acts the same.
Not everyone sees life in the same way, even if they pretend to.
Life inside the corporate world.
Alien invasion in the furthest reaches of space.
painting of the melody of life
Which interpretation makes most sense to you?
Exciting adventures in a faraway land.
A depiction of many old traditions and cultures which are still alive and well today.
Scenes from modern-day Egypt.
A wondrous mirage, taking place in the desert.
The Nativity painting
Which interpretation makes most sense to you?
Romance and tragedy often go hand in hand.
The cycle of life and death.
The life of Jesus Christ.
Muses and spirit guides forever keep watch over us.
nude woman in sphere art
Which interpretation makes most sense to you?
Beauty gives life to this planet.
A symbolic depiction of the life our planet contains.
An abstract depiction of the miracle of childbirth.
An alien being hatched in the guise of a young woman.
orchestra abstract art
Which interpretation makes most sense to you?
Music empowers the soul.
A chaotic representation of the artist's turbulent life.
A colorful depiction of some city's festival.
A famous conductor is having a nightmare.
abandoned train wreck
Which interpretation makes most sense to you?
When all hope is gone, only a vacant shell remains.
A visual representation of the artist's fear of abandonment.
The aftermath of war is never a pleasant sight.
The spiders now claim what we once owned.
solitary house in desert
Which interpretation makes most sense to you?
The sad existence of a man cast into exile.
Filling nature's voids with constant reminders of our own existence.
The home of someone very inconsiderate.
A lone believer trying to make contact with an alien race.
Passionate Soul
young woman drawing
Your aesthetic interpretations show that you have a passionate soul. Whatever you choose to do in life, it's clear that you're always going to give it your all, since you don't believe in half-measures. You are a particularly emotional person, and that's a very good thing, since it means you're constantly aware of how others are feeling, enabling you to form stronger bonds and connections with the people you truly care about. You know what it means to love and to be loved, and the world is a much better place with you as a part of it.
Idealist Soul
thinker statue
Your aesthetic interpretations show that you have an idealist soul. Whatever you choose to do in life, you're going to do it in an innovative and creative way. Thinking inside the box really gets you down. You just need to break free, and you'll do anything to make this world a better and happier place to live in. Your analytical mind is always assessing and trying to think 3 steps ahead, and this often works out well. If you haven't written a book of your most profound thoughts and theories yet, it's still not too late to start!
Visionary Soul
clockwork face
Your aesthetic interpretations show that you have a visionary soul. Whatever you choose to do in life, you're going to make sure it works out well, and you'll have it all mapped out a long time before you start. Much like the great philosophers, your personality is dominated by logical patterns and rational brainwaves. You don't tend to panic and get overly emotional in times of strife, and instead opt to make cool and calculated decisions. This is why many people turn to you for advice, and why you're just so invaluable during a crisis.
Imaginative Soul
imaginary world
Your aesthetic interpretations show that you have an imaginative soul. Whatever you choose to do in life, rest assured that you're going to give it your own personal flair. Your creative mind allows you to go places where many others can't. This gift is one that should be nurtured and shared with the world, because genuine creativity isn't as common in this world as many would like to believe. If you don't currently have a creative hobby, then we'd recommend starting one as soon as possible, since you might just be the next Caravaggio or Picasso!
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