Preferred Jokes

What is ice cream’s preferred breed of dog?
When the farmer died, all his chickens were sold to the highest bidder.
They would have preferred to stay on the farm, but auctions speak louder than birds.
What kind of process is Marriage? A process of finding out what kind of man your wife would have preferred.
Why was the backstroke done by the squirrel?
“The squirrel preferred to maintain his nuts dry.”
My wife showed me two of her mother’s quilts and asked me which one I preferred.
I said, “I refuse to make blanket statements.”
My friends were talking about what different colours grass they preferred.
I told them they were being gracist.
Did you hear about the thief that preferred robbing criminals and babysitters?
He cleaned out every crook and nanny.
What is a terrorist's preferred kind of wine?
White Infidel.
Whats the preferred car of frogs?
The Beetle.
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