Messages Jokes

How do pigs write top secret messages?
With invisible oink!
Why do neurons like e-mail?
The love messages.
Guess who just woke up to 19 missed calls and 30 messages from his ex?
My ex.
There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed his desire to become a great writer.
When asked to define "Great" he said,
"I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger!"
He now works for Microsoft, writing error messages.
There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed his desire to become a great writer.
When asked to define "Great" he said,
"I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger!"
He now works for Microsoft, writing error messages.
How do volleyball players deliver their messages? Through Air Mail.
Where do bulls get their messages? On a bull-etin board.
How did Vikings send secret messages?
Norse code
How do Vikings send secret messages?
Norse code!
How do Vikings send secret messages?
Norse code!
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