All of us like to redesign our homes from time to time and give them a new look. It feels nice to give a fresh coat of paint to the house or have some cool light fixtures installed on the ceiling, isn’t it? Unfortunately, though, home improvements don’t always work out the way we plan. These houses, for instance, have some truly weird design plans that are so bad that you will end up laughing.
Related: These Poorly Designed Homes Are Sure to Make You Giggle
These People Don't Care About Safety – 16 Funny Pics
Here are some hilarious examples of safety fails that will make your heart skip a beat.
Hilarious: Nobody Tells Mother Nature What to Do!
Here are 18 ironic photos that prove that nature doesn't care about what people want!
17 Hilariously Bad Jokes Guaranteed To Make You Laugh
Having a bad day? These terrible yet hilarious bad jokes and puns will surely make you laugh.
These One Liners Will Put a Smile on Your Face, Guaranteed!
A collection of crazy and unexpectedly hilarious jokes.
“What Were They Thinking?” - 16 Baffling Interior Designs
These interior design fails are so outrageously bad they’re actually funny.
Hilarious: When Timing and Comedy Team Up!
Comedy is all about timing and these photos are the perfect example for it!
Hilarious: These Christmas Cartoons Made Me Laugh Out Lo
This is the best time of the year to laugh all together as a family with these Christmas funnies.
Hilarious: When It's Just Not Your Day...
These photos show spectacularly awful things that can happen to anyone. Let’s hope there was someone to give them a big hug afterwards.
Joke: Making This Call About a Wedding is a Tough Decision
A bride and a groom are with a pastor finalizing details for their wedding day. The pastor asks them whether they want a traditional or contemporary wedding...
12 Sarcastic Gems from Famous Philosophers
These philosophers had a surprising sense of humor.
Hilarious: How Weirs is the English Language?
English is a really funny language, especially when considering how meanings can be changed when punctuation's omitted. Take a look at these 9 hysterical memes.
Some Animals Just Weren't Meant to Be Pets...
These pet owners aren't interested in cats, dogs, fish and birds like you and me. They prefer something a little wilder, and well, stranger...
13 Hilarious Protest Signs That'll Make You Laugh!
Some people like to think that holding up signs will achieve something, but others go to protests for a laugh. Here are 13 funny examples.
DIY Don't-Try This At Home: Ridiculous Project Fails
Sometimes, we should just let the pros do the job.
FUNNY: Woman’s Gorilla Encounter Goes Wildly Wrong
This prank compilation will leave you in stitches.
These Dad Jokes Will Make You Groan and Laugh
Laugh along with this hilarious collection of classic dad jokes.
If You Want a Good Laugh, Rodney Dangerfield is Your Man!
In this clip, the great comedian Rodney Dangerfield entertains the crowd with his brilliant sense of humor. Enjoy!
With These Witty Lines Anyome Can be Star of the Party
some funny sayings with a something for everyone.
These Photos Show That We Live in a Cat's World...
Cats bring us much joy, but they can also be extremely naughty and just spend most of their time doing whatever they like. Here are 15 hilarious photos.
Horses Being Dramatic & Funny for 8 Hilarious Minutes!
Watch these horses do the funniest things.
16 Funny Signs Runners Didn't Know They Needed to See
These marathon signs prove humor can go the distance.
Funny Insults: 16 of the Wittiest Comebacks in History
These witty historical retorts show that insults were once an art.
Rowan Atkinson Gives a Most Hilarious Sermon!
Rowan Atkinson, the famous comedian, gives a sermon the likes of which you've never heard...
15 Hilarious Photos Taken a Second Before Disaster
A series of photos happening just before disaster strikes.
15 Witty Doormats That'll Make You Grin!
When was the last time you thought about your doormat? These 15 mats will make you wish your home had more doors.
HILARIOUS: The Office Can Be a Funny Place!
Four short and funny jokes about office and business situations!
15 Quirky Spanish Idioms That'll Brighten Your Day
Who doesn’t love a funny idiom? Today, let’s learn about some hilariously quirky Spanish idioms.
These Hilarious Fall Puns and Jokes Are Un-be-leaf-able!
We want to tell you some autumn jokes, but you probably wouldn't fall for it.
Hilarious Quotes About the Quirks of Getting Older
Don't fear the grey hair! Just enjoy these hilarious quotes about getting older.
15 Times People Failed at Math So Bad Everyone Groaned!
Math isn’t for everyone, and these people have proved it.
Hilarious: 19 Times the Universe Decided to Be Ironic...
These photos capture the most brilliant comedic irony caught on camera!
What a Gag: This Boy Knows How to Charm the Ladies!
This little Casanova reaches women's hearts with wine and milk, and is one of the cutest and funniest videos I've ever seen.
From Funny to Weird: These Signs Have It All
These signs are each funnier and more bizarre than the last. What were these people thinking?
Funny: When 8 Priests Come Face-to-Face with Lingerie
This clip from a classic Irish comedy features 8 desperate priests embarrassingly trapped in the lingerie department. This will bring tears to your eyes.
A Hilarious Tribute to Cats and Kittens!
This hilarious video involves a kitten being given some life advice by the household's older cat in what amounts to almost three minutes of laughter.
Well, You Won't See THESE Every Day!
In this captivating collection of images, we delve into the extraordinary and the amusing.
Just for Laughs: “Did I Just Win the Lottery?!”
Enjoy this hilarious prank collection by Just For Laughs Gags.
Funny: People Find Some Creative Fixes for Their Problems
Some people find the most creative ways to fix their everyday issues...
Classic Comedy: My Blackberry Is Broken!
This is one of our favorite comedy sketches of all times!
These Cat Models Are Simply Hilarious!
These cats have chosen a modelling as their full-time careers...
Classic Comedy: Lucy and the Chocolate Factory
One of the most famous, and funniest, Lucy moments of all time!