Translation is a difficult skill to master. Simply translating a word or phrase from one language to another doesn't always produce the desired meaning. Sometimes, even the most basic sentences can turn into comedic gold when translations go awry, especially when taken too literally. This article brings together some of the most amusing instances of failed translations that will have you laughing all day.
16 Hilarious Examples of Translation Gone Horribly Wrong
These hilariously terrible translation fails will give you a good chuckle.
Funny Photos: You Had One Job!
These ridiculously funny work fail pictures will have you laughing all day.
17 Times Translations Went Completely Off the Rails
These mistakes prove translating isn’t always easy.
Lost in Translation: 18 Funny Japanese Signs
Here are some of the funniest and most confusing signs spotted across Japan that left travelers scratching their heads.
Lost In Translation: 17 Hilariously WEIRD Signs
It’s time for another hilarious collection of translation fails!
16 Hilarious Panorama Fails That Are So Bad They're Good
Sometimes panoramic photos can turn out to be hilariously bad.
COMEDY CLASSICS: Mr. Bean Goes Ice Skating
Watch this hilarious clip of Mr. Bean having a gala time at the ice skating rink.
Classic Comedy: Mr. Bean Goes to the Cinema!
Another classic comedy moment with Mr. Bean as he takes his girlfriend to see a movie. Simple right? Anything but.
The Ultimate List of Funny Christmas Jokes for 2024
These Christmas jokes are all you need for a humor-filled season.
These FUNNY Spring Jokes Will Blossom Your Mood!
Enjoy this hilarious collection of spring jokes and puns.
Hand These Guys a Towel and Get Ready to Laugh!
This hilarious performance involves two young Frenchmen who have just a towel apiece to preserve their modesty. Watch this side-splitting performance.
These Vintage Family Christmas Cards Are So Bizarre!
Please don’t laugh at these weird family Christmas cards from the 1950s and 1960s.
Hold Up, What's Actually Happening Here? 12 Confusing Pics
These pictures aren’t what they seem…
These Architects Should Really Rethink Their Career Choice
Somebody messed up big time. You’ll laugh your head off seeing how wrong construction can go with these hilarious photos.
9 Mockumentaries That Had Us Rolling on the Floor
Explore the side-splitting world of mockumentaries.
Small Town America Has Some RIDICULOUS Laws
It’s hard to believe these dumb laws still exist!
The Signs at This Gas Station Made the Entire World Laugh!
Surely enough, these hilarious signs will have you laughing for hours!
Hilarious Signs: This Ice Cream Shop Cracked Me Up!
This collection of 12 hilarious signs will give you a taste of an excellent sense of humor!
17 Witty and Funny One-Panel Comics!
Enjoy this hilarious collection of one-frame comics by New Yorker Magazine cartoonist Harry Bliss.
Funny Prank: A Sign It's Time For a Kiss!
Who knew, one only needs to be holding a "Kiss Me" sign to get all the girls and... others...
Hilarious: How Cold IS IT?
Don’t like the chilly weather? Then you will relate to these hilarious winter memes.
Hilarious New Versions of Classic Book Titles (16 Pics)
Artist Hugleikur Dagsson has reimagined classic book titles with a comedic twist.
Eek! Remember When Chaplin Got Trapped in the Lion's Cage?
This classic scene has me rolling around the floor every time...
Laugh and Groan at These Hilarious Punny Jokes
These puns are pure gold for your laugh collection.
These Funny Signs Made Me Holler!
Feeling sad or bored? After reading these 12 side-splitting signs, you will no longer have those two problems on your hands.
Hilarious Fortune Cookie Messages to Make You Laugh
Fortune cookies can be quite sassy sometimes!
When Animals Steal the Spotlight with Funny Antics
These hilarious animal moments will leave you in stitches!
Hilarious: It's Not Easy Being a Criminal...
When it comes to the perfect crime, these fumbling fools couldn't fail more miserably.
Hilarious: Then DIY Goes Ridiculously Wrong...
The world is full of wonderful workmanship, but you won't see any of that here. This is a collection of the very worst of man's DIY, construction efforts!
The BEST of British Humor - HILARIOUS Sketch
Watch Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie in their hilarious best in this vintage comedy sketch from the series A Bit of Fry and Laurie.
These Thanksgiving Jokes Are Better Than the Turkey!
This Thanksgiving, serve up some laughter with these jokes and puns.
Classic Comedy: Lucy and the Chocolate Factory
One of the most famous, and funniest, Lucy moments of all time!
Simon's Cat Presents: A Day in the Life of a Cat!
This colored episode brings us a day in the life of Simon's Cat. Let's see what that looks like...
These Funny Photos Prove Japan is a Different Place...
The Japanese people are probably the funniest in the world ... well certainly the most eccentric. Here 15 photos will prove it to you.
Spend 15 Minutes of Laughter with Rodney Dangerfield
Laugh out loud with Rodney Dangerfield's best jokes.
Hilarious: These Silly Signs Will Lift Your Spirits!
Check out this collection of ridiculously funny signs that will make you chuckle and brighten your day.
14 One-Liners That Spark Instant Laughter
14 one liners that will make any party a lot of fun and get everyone laughing.
These 16 Hilarious Pics Are So Scandinavia
Scandinavia is carefree, overly nice, with high taxation and low temperatures. Kind of like a European Canada.
These Terrific Signs Make Everyone Burst Out Laughing!
In this article, we feature 15 terrific signs that will make just about anyone laugh their heart out.
These Terribly Designed Homes are Sure to Make You Giggle!
If these hilarious design fails taught me anything it’s to always measure and consult professionals before renovating my home on my own!
Warning: Hilariously Bad Animal Puns!
If you like jokes and animals, you've come to the right place! Enjoy these 18 funny animal puns we've collected just for you.
Beware! These Funny Comics May Cause Halloween Giggles
Enjoy these hilariously silly one-panel comics by Doug Hill to add some humor to your Halloween this year.
12 Naughty Dogs Caught Being Cheeky While You Were Out
So this is what your dog is doing when he has the house to himself!
These Funny Bumper Stickers Will Make You Look Twice
Which of these funny bumper stickers would you like to use?
20 Hysterical Photos Taken in the Perfect Time and Place!
All 20 of the photos we’re about to show were taken just in time to create the most hilarious effect imaginable!