Sky Puns

Look out! It's raining sky puns!!!

Sky Puns

I stopped my phones to the cloud, and I kept getting mist calls.
When I arrived onset on a cloudy, dreary day, too many actors had been hired for the small part...
It was overcast.
Q: What do you call it when it rains chickens and ducks?
A: Fowl weather.
I don't like clouds. They're always throwing shade.
Pennies and quarters rain from the sky
"Wow!" I say. "It's climate change!"
Q: How do you store water?
A: Cloud storage.
Did you hear about the cloud who became king? He rained for years.
Did you hear about the mother who gave birth to her baby while she was in the sky?
I guess you can say the baby was airborne
There are more planes in the ocean than there are submarines in the sky
This much is plane to sea
I just got my degree in Sky Diving.
I had to drop out to graduate.
I couldn't figure out why that ball in the sky kept getting bigger...
Then it hit me.
Q: How do clouds keep in touch with each other?
A: Using sky-pe.
Q: Why did the cloud do drugs and join a gang?
A: Atmospheric pressure.
Q: Why was the cloud not allowed to cross the border?
A: Because it was a for-rainer
What language do things that fly in the sky speak....
Plane english
My dad used to say "the sky's the limit"
Which is probably why he got fired from his job at N.A.S.A.
Q: Why was the cloud so dark and stormy?
A: It was feeling mis-thunder-stood.
What holds the sun up in the sky?
Q: Why did the little clouds idolize the big cloud?
A: Because he was the raining champion.
When the moisture from the sky stops falling
It really stops waning
When you look at the sky and see the moon
You're looking at a subtle light
What is it called when bigger burgers fall from the sky?
Meatier showers.
I told my mother moose were falling from the sky.
She said, "It's reindeer."
I was struggling to find out how lightning works. And then it struck me.
I installed a sky light in my apartment.
The people upstairs were not happy at all.
Q: What is a cloud's favorite reptile?
A: A blizzard.
The cloud hailed from the sky kingdom.
When do monkeys fall from the sky?
During ape-ril showers.
My parents always told me I can be anything I wanted, the sky's the limit
This made me sad because I wanted to be an astronaut.
A young boy and his dad laid on the grass, looking at the sky. The boy asked, "Dad, will you teach me about the sky?"
The dad replied, "Son, it's way over your head."