Lightning Puns

Electrifyingly funny lightning puns to make you roll in laughter.

Lightning Puns

Did you know humans can be struck by lightning?
I was shocked when I found out.
I got fired from my job as a train operator and my job as a lightning rod.
I guess I'm just a bad conductor.
When it comes to getting things done, my work ethic is like lightning.
I take the path of least resistance.
Why shouldn't you smoke weed during a thunder storm?
Because lightning strikes the highest object.
What do you call a chicken that was struck by lightning?
Air fried.
What did the pigeon say after being struck by lightning?
Not coo.
I was surprised when I saw a man get struck by lightning.

The man was shocked as well.
Why did the man driving a train get struck by lightning?
He was a good conductor.