Getting struck by lightning is rough. It can be hotter than the sun, leaving horrendous scars, if you survive that is. E.. Read More
Take a Trip Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator
In this insightful talk, Tim Urban takes us on a tour through YouTube binges, Wikipedia, and bouts of staring out the window.
This is How Poisonous Animals Avoid Poisoning Themselves!
Thousands of animal species use toxic chemicals to protect themselves from predators, but how do these animals survive their own poison? Find out here!
Amazing! These Birds Can Help Us Solve Crimes!
Vultures symbolize death, but can they actually help the living catch criminals? Find out here!
Is Liberal Democracy the Best Way to Govern Ourselves?
Dr. Brett Hennig really feels that we should get rid of politicians once and for all. But how would that actually work in practice? Find out in this video.
What Causes Constipation? Find Out Here...
What's behind constipation? This informative TED-Ed video sheds some light on the matter!
These 6 Chemical Reactions Changed the Course of History
Although we rarely pay much attention to the chemistry that constantly surrounds us, these 6 reactions changed history.
These Award-Winning Insect Pics Are Absolutely Mesmerizing
Marvel at the outstanding winners of the 2024 Royal Entomological Society Photography Competition.
The Forgotten Airships of the U.S. Military
This is the story of America's ambitious journey into the age of aerial warfare.
16 Award-Winning Shots That’ll Take Your Breath Away
The 2020 winners of the nature photography competition BigPicture have been announced, and they are astounding!
Out of All the Chrysanthemums These Are the MOST Beautiful
Chrysanthemums are a beautiful flower, and there are so many different varieties of mums that come in all colors, sgapes and sizes
Why Is This Japanese Island Full of Rabbits?
The Japanese island of Okunoshima is inhabited almost exclusively by rabbits, but why?
15 Views of Marine Life That Feel Almost Otherworldly
Marvel at the astonishing underwater photos of American photographer Rachel Moore.
If You Want to See Some Breathtaking Beauty, Come In Here...
Check out the astonishing winning panoramic images from the 2023 EPSON International Pano Awards.
The MOST Fascinating Facts About Colors I’ve Ever Heard!
Colors are ubiquitous, and yet we know surprisingly little about them. Let's fix that by learning these 15 fascinating facts about color
Stunning Dogs in Their Natural Environments
These photos capture dogs amid Austrian wilderness. And the results are truly magical, capturing some enchanting portraits. Take a look for yourself.
These Rapid Blooming Flowers Will Brighten Your Day
This video of flowers blooming will brighten your day. So, go ahead, treat yourself to a few minutes of beauty and relaxation.
7 Uncommon Trees You've Probably Never Seen Before...
Trees are often underappreciated. Here we present to you some of the most unusual yet fascinating trees from around the globe.
The Worst Earthquakes in History - a Nightmare Turned Real
On this list, we feature 9 of the most devastating and deadly earthquakes in history - in rising order according to the Richter scale.
These Adorable Baby Animals Will Make You Smile
These tiny animals can all fit in one hand and are the cutest creatures you will see today.
Is it a Raccoon? Is it a Dog? No. It’s a 'Raccoon Dog'!
Tanuki, or the Japanese raccoon dog, is a unique species. Its neither a dog, nor a raccoon. So what is it?
15 Magical Pics Presenting Nature in Its Finest Glory
Take a look at this magnificent collection of nature pictures that will transport you to a different world.
The Tell Tale Signs That Nature is About to Strike
Every natural phenomenon has its signature calling card. Some are almost as strange as the phenomenon itself...
Watch These Flowers Bloom in a Celebration of Color
This video brings out the most beautiful aspect of flowers in gorgeous detail and allows us to enjoy one of nature's most beautiful gifts - the blooming of flowers.
The Beautiful World of Indian Birds - 21 Gorgeous Photos
Let’s marvel at the exotic beauty of Indian birds.
Australia is the Land of the Most Bizarre Creatures!
Australia is the land of the most bizarre creatures!
Far, Far Away, There's a Land Where Pandas Roam Free...
Giant pandas are highly endangered, however there's a beautiful sanctuary in China devoted to ensuring that population numbers are boosted. See the photos.
Meet the 2024 Nature Photographer of the Year Winners
Here are the incredible winners of the 2024 Nature Photographer of the Year awards.
15 of the Weirdest Creatures from Around the World
Our world is inhabited by some truly bizarre and rare animals you have probably never seen before. Take a look at few such creatures.
Looked at from Up-Close, This Species is Truly Intriguing!
This talented photographer has focused on a creature most of us would never think of photographing in this way.
Weird Science: 12 Phenomena That Scientists Can’t Explain
Scientists think they're got the world covered but so many mysteries remain. Here are 12 bizarre phenomena that even scientists can't explain.
Inside a Red Fox's Den, You Will Find... Cute Baby Foxes!
Watch a family of fox babies grow from cuddly grey balls of fur into playful little pups. We must say, it's one of the cutest things we ever did see!
All About Why Your Dog Wants to Sleep in Your Bed
n this video, we explore a familiar and endearing habit many dog owners experience: why your furry friend loves to share your bed.
Get Ready For Equestrian Adventures With Beautiful Horses!
Horses are truly majestic wonders of nature that have lived with humans peacefully for thousands of years, just like these beautiful breeds
INTERACTIVE: Click on the Flower to See Its Full Beauty
These interactive photos of flowers will allow you to see them in video with a click.
World's Biggest Snake: This Massive Anaconda Is 26ft-Long!
Scientists have just discovered the world’s biggest snake in Amazon rainforest.
Ocean Showdown: Orcas Take on Humpback Whales
There's a reason why orcas can never get along with humback whales...
I Never Thought Such Animals Existed. Wow.
Nature can be beautiful, but it can also be rather strange, especially when you see THESE animals. Most of them are endangered animals, living only in the smallest and most remote places on earth.
I Bet You Never Thought Croatia Would be This Beautiful
Plitvice National Park has got to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. Don't believe us? These pictures will certainly make you believe us.
The Stunning Gardens of England Will Take Your Breath Away
England is well known for it's beautiful gardens and we have supplied you with 10 of the best. These will amaze you with their beauty.
20 Animals We’ve Just Discovered in the Past Decade
Of all the animals discovered during the 2010's, these 20 are the coolest, starting with a tiny chameleon and ending with a really creepy wasp
22 Award-Winning Photos That Capture the Power of Nature
The International Photography Awards has many categories, but today, we will focus on nature, with 22 stunning highlights from the 2020 competition.
The Many Strange and CUTE Ways Animals Sleep…
Have you ever wondered how animals sleep? Discover some of the strangest and cutest sleeping habits in the animal kingdom.
5 Of the Most Remarkable Adaptations in the Natural World
This video looks at five animals who have some remarkable adaptation abilities for survival in the natural world.
Beautiful Nature: The Tadpole Migration
This is the story of one of the greatest migrations, while also being one of the tiniest ones...
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