The ability to recognize sounds and identify their location is possible all thanks to what is known as the auditory syst.. Read More
Ever Wondered How and Why Whales Sing? Well Wonder No More
In this fantastically animated TED-Ed video, Stephanie Sardelis decodes the evocative melodies composed by whales.
WATCH: What Is the Next Step In Nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology looks set to change the world, but its journey to the present day hasn't been without difficulty. Watch this informative TED Talk to learn more.
These Cases Were Cold... Until Science Cracked Them
Technology and science aren't always about the future. Take a look at these cold cases that were solved only thanks to the advances of science.
Why Do Cats Like Catnip?
Are they really getting "high," or is there scientific logic behind cats' love of catnip?
You Won't Believe What the Human Body Does in One Minute
How much do you think it is capable of doing in a single minute? Watch this video and you'll have your answer!
6 Chemical Reactions that Changed the Course of History
Although we rarely pay much attention to the chemistry that constantly surrounds us, these 6 reactions changed history.
Easy Exercises to Keep Your Blood Pressure in Check
These gentle exercises may help bring balance to both body and mind.
Valentine's Day: Get Lovely Backgrounds for Mobile and PC
we’ve prepared a diverse collection to suit every taste and turn your screen into a beautifully designed little love keepsake. Wishing you a happy Valentine's Day!
WHY is Sugar So Devilishy Addictive?
There seems to be a fascinating scientific explanation for why our will power is weak when it comes to sugar!
20 Fascinating Things That Can Be Found in the World
These pictures show us 20 fascinating and absolutely astounding things, from a single mountain with 1000 waterfalls to a giant ant!
The Oldest Medicines That Have Stood the Test of Time
Learn about some fascinating old medicine and general healing practices that have survived for thousands of years.
The Science Behind Why Laughter is the Best Medicine
They say laughter is the best medicine. But why exactly do we laugh?
PayPal Versus Credit Cards: Here's the Lowdown!
Just how safe is PayPal? Should you have a PayPal account or should you pay for all online purchases using a credit card? All is revealed here!
The Channel Tunnel - The 7th Wonder of the Modern World!
The construction of the Channel Tunnel is said to be an impossible feat!
Why Do You See Colors When You Rub Your Eyes?
Explore the science of afterimages, the visual illusions that linger in your vision following exposure to bright lights or images.
Study Claims: Link Found Between Cats and Alzheimer's
Recent research has brought into focus a potentially unsettling link for cat lovers: owning a feline may increase the risk of developing schizophrenia-related disorders.
Introducing the Astronauts That Were Just Launched Into Space
The two astronauts — veteran NASA fliers Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley are honored to have been on this flight. Let's get to know them!
Do You Know What Alzheimer's Really Is?
This video will shed light on the different stages of this complex and incredibly destructive disease.
The Race to Complete the World's Second-Tallest Skyscraper
Malaysia is all set to unveil the world’s second tallest skyscraper.
Learn Chemistry Easily with This Interactive Periodic Table
This interactive table of elements has video lectures about every element, including experiments
Nobody Believed These 5 Scientists, But They Were Right
These 5 scientists were shamed and ousted, or rudely ignored, although years later, their "crazy" theories turned out to be true...
Battle of the Sexes: How Our Brains React Differently
A new study claims to have discovered why women are typically more emotionally sensitive than men. Read all about it here.
Science News: New Wonder Mushroom Cleans the Air
Let's learn about a magical new mushroom that is not only enriching the soil for farmers but also capturing CO2 from the air!
This Giant Tank Will Unlock the Universe’s Big Mysteries
Japan is building a huge underground tank inside a mountain to help unlock the many mysteries of the universe.
11 Practical Technologies That Will Help Fight Flooding
These amazing innovations will be real handy during a flood.
Did You Know That Batteries and Magnets Can Make Magic?
Here are some cool magic tricks you can try at home using only a few magnets, batteries and other household items. Watch carefully as the magician puts together a completely self-reliant motor
Science Philosophy: What is the TRUE Nature of Time?
Join us as we journey through theories, discussions, and insights that challenge our perceptions and broaden our understanding of time itself.
Wow! Who Knew That Jupiter Was So Mesmerizing?
Take a look at Jupiter like you've never seen it before!
6 Harmful Toxins You Didn’t Know You Encounter Daily
These toxic chemicals can be found in everyday products and can be extremely dangerous to us.
Asteroid Mining: Why it's the New Trillion Dollar Business
Get ready to learn how asteroid mining could potentially transform our world.
Could These Signals Be A Sign of Extraterrestrial Life?
Scientists have recently picked up on a mysterious radio signal from space, and it could mean a lot - maybe even a sign from extraterrestrial life forms.
Watch the Best HD Panorama Photo of Mars Ever Taken
Watch an incredible 1.8-Billion-Pixel panorama of the planet Mars that was recently captured by NASA's Curiosity rover.
Incredible New Bionic Arm Fuses With Woman's Nerves
Karin's bionic hand is real sci fi, making her one of the first true cyborgs.
12 Steps That Help to Explain Einstein's Famous Theory
Have you ever wondered what Einstein's Theory of Relativity is all about? If you have, here is an easy-to-understand explanation!
These Bizarre Mysteries Continue to Stump Scientists!
The world of science hasn't been able to explain several bizarre phenomenon yet. Let's take a look at a few of them.
Chocolate Exposed! Here's What It Does to Your Brain!
Just what is it that makes chocolate so irresistible to so many people around the world? Find all of the answers in the article.
8 Jaw-Dropping Black Hole Facts to Warp Your Mind
These black hole facts will bend your mind!
Boston Dynamic's Robot Does Some Incredible Things...
Boston Dynamics shows us again what her lead robot can do.
A Must See: White Cells Devouring Bad Bacteria!
A real look at how white cells identify and consume harmful bacteria.
Is It 3024 Already?! – 14 Wildly Futuristic Things
These revolutionary ideas are about to change our world.
What's the Largest Thing in the Universe?
In this video, we look into some of the mightiest structures in the known universe.
Experts Are Still Baffled by These Ancient Artifacts
These mysterious relics have left experts puzzled.
This Secret Invention Changed the Course of WW2
Let’s take a closer look at the proximity fuze, also called Vt Fuze, an invention that changed the course of the second World War.
WATCH: This is What Occurs In Our Brain When We're In Love
We all love being in love, and actually crave it and need it, but what actually happens to our brains when we're in love? Watch this TED Talk to find out.
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