Vultures symbolize death, but can they actually help the living catch criminals? In this extremely informative and acces.. Read More
5 Common Myths About Sugar We Must Stop Believing
In this video, we discover the truth behind 5 of the most common myths about sugar.
Ever Wondered How and Why Whales Sing? Well Wonder No More
In this fantastically animated TED-Ed video, Stephanie Sardelis decodes the evocative melodies composed by whales.
How Did We Invent the Dollar? Learn Its Meandering History
In this video, we will learn a short history of the U.S. Dollar.
What's it Like Caring for Mentally Ill Criminals?
"The Voices Are Telling me to Kill You." Listen as past nurse Paul Deacon tells us what it's like working at a psychiatric hospital.
Lift Your Spirits With These Animal Rescue Stories!
Forget about the damsel in distress. This time, nature calls, and we must answer!
The Meticulous Path of a Grain of Rice to Your Plate
How is rice harvested, processed, and packed? The entire operation is fascinating, to say the least. Here's how it's done.
In Photos: 15 Ways Crows are Smarter Than You Might Think
Crows may be much smarter than we ever realized.
18 Vintage Images That Bring the 19th Century to Life
These vintage photos from 1875 offer a fascinating glimpse into a world that's so different from ours.
What Does Medicine ACTUALLY Do In the Body? Fascinating.
What really happens in our bodies when we take medicine, have you ever wondered? This video will answer your question.
Can One Photo Really Tell How Good Your Eyesight Is?
Scientists say that this single photograph can tell you whether you have good vision or not. Who can you see in the image?
20 Amazingly Simple Inventions That Make Life Easier
Some wonderful inventions can fix some of the most annoying little problems that bug us every single day. Here are 20 of the most inventive ideas I've ever seen that I can't believe no one has invented before.
The First 3D-Printed Hotel is Already Being Built!
s evidence of this, a groundbreaking project is nearing completion, in which a hotel is being printed, and tourists will soon be able to visit it. Curious to see what it looks like?
2023 in Science: Biggest Discoveries You Missed!
Let’s take a look at the most amazing scientific discoveries that made news this year.
Could This Popular Ingredient Be a Cause of Cancer?
The chemical triclosan began to appear in a multitude of products in the early 1970s. This ingredient, found in a multitude of products has been linked to cancer.
The Rise of the Machines: Can Humanoid Robots Help Us?
Will humanoid robots change the way we work forever?
Science Breakthrough: An Immunization Against Skin Cancer?
This scientific breakthrough offers hope for those who are struggling with skin cancer. You are now invited to discover more about this revolutionary vaccine.
Take a Trip Through the Universe and Witness its Beauty
Since its launch, the Hubble Telescope returned images of unprecedented beauty of a dynamic and changing universe. Take a look!
8 Important Inventions That Were a Complete Accident
It might be interesting for you to learn that some very important scientific innovations were born as a result of an accident.
17 Experiments That Produced Very Bizarre Results...
Take a look at this collection of photos showing how common people performed some fascinating accidental scientific experiments.
What's the Largest Thing in the Universe?
In this video, we look into some of the mightiest structures in the known universe.
20 Useful Facts About the Science of Cooking
The science behind cooking is not often thought of, but it plays a crucial role in a dish turning out right. Here are 20 facts on the science of cooking.
What Would You Do if You Had an Extra Thumb?
This revolutionary invention has the potential to revolutionize the field of prosthetics.
20 Peculiar Microscope Photos That You Really Must See
An unseen world exists at our fingers, and thanks to these wonderful micrographs, we can get a glimpse into that dimension.
These 11 Brain Facts Are Enough to Boggle Your Mind
When you consider the sheer complexity of the human brain, it's difficult to wrap your head around it. Learn these 11 fascinating facts about the human brain.
12 Steps That Help to Explain Einstein's Famous Theory
Have you ever wondered what Einstein's Theory of Relativity is all about? If you have, here is an easy-to-understand explanation!
The Oldest Medicines That Have Stood the Test of Time
Learn about some fascinating old medicine and general healing practices that have survived for thousands of years.
The Accidental Discovery of the World’s First Antibiotic
Not too long ago, it was fairly common to die of the simplest of wounds due to bacterial infection. Penicillin changed everything.
This Stunning Video Visualizes the Size of the Universe
This video visualizes the number of galaxies in the world, giving you a look into the true size of our enormous universe.
This Giant Tank Will Unlock the Universe’s Big Mysteries
Japan is building a huge underground tank inside a mountain to help unlock the many mysteries of the universe.
What’s it Like Using a 115-Inch TV?!
This colossal 115-Inch TV will transform your viewing experience forever.
11 Practical Technologies That Will Help Fight Flooding
These amazing innovations will be real handy during a flood.
The First Robot Ever Made Was Created 250 Years Ago...
This automaton is pure genius, especially when you consider it was built 250 years ago...
How Your Eye Came to Be the Color It Is...
Why do we have different-colored eyes, and what does it mean?
17 Incredible Eye Facts You Have To See To Believe
They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and they also happen to be our windows to the world. Here are 17 insanely fascinating facts about eyes.
15 Frightening Animals Early Humans Had to Live With
10 scary animals early cavemen in Africa had to deal with 200,000 years ago.
How to Make Cleansing Hydrogen Water from an Old Battery
Let's embark on this scientific journey to unlock the potential of water and discover the practical uses of hydrogen and oxygen in everyday life.
Chocolate Exposed! Here's What It Does to Your Brain!
Just what is it that makes chocolate so irresistible to so many people around the world? Find all of the answers in the article.
Learn Chemistry Easily with This Interactive Periodic Table
This interactive table of elements has video lectures about every element, including experiments
Amazing New Scientific Discoveries You Missed in 2024
There have been so many interesting scientific discoveries this year that we have missed!
PayPal Versus Credit Cards: Here's the Lowdown!
Just how safe is PayPal? Should you have a PayPal account or should you pay for all online purchases using a credit card? All is revealed here!
15 Beautiful Carl Sagan Quotes on the Stars and the Cosmos
A look at some profound quotes on the universe by famous astronomer and cosmologist Carl Sagan.
INTERACTIVE: A Guide to the Workings of the Human Body
The human body is the most complex machine known to man, and the amount of things it has to do to keep us alive is incredible. View this interactive guide now.
The World's Most Dangerous Blood Type
Today we will discuss the most dangerous blood type to have, the one you cannot get an infusion for. Let's delve right in and learn about this rare blood type.
2024's Biggest Breakthroughs in Science We Must Celebrate
These recent scientific breakthroughs could change the world.
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